ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

ISO (Internationale Standardisierungsorganisation) ist eine globale Allianz nationaler Normungsgremien (ISO-Mitgliedsorganisationen). Die Entwicklung internationaler Standards erfolgt in der Regel durch technische Komitees der ISO. Jede Mitgliedsinstitution, die an einem Thema interessiert ist, zu dem ein Fachausschuss eingerichtet wurde, hat das Recht, in diesem Ausschuss vertreten zu sein. An dieser Arbeit sind auch internationale Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsorganisationen beteiligt, die mit der ISO zusammenarbeiten. ISO arbeitet eng mit der International Electrotechnical Commission zusammen (IEC) in allen Fragen der elektrischen Normung.

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ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

ISO 16276-2 was developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 139, Farben und Lacke, in cooperation with the Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Farben und Lacke, Unterausschuss SC 14, Coating Systems for the protection of Steel structures.

ISO 16276 besteht aus folgenden Teilen, with the general titleCorrosion protection of steel structures by protective coating systemsEvaluation and acceptance criteria for coating adhesion/cohesion (breaking strength) :

– Teil 1: Pull-out test

– Teil 2: Crosscutting test and X-cutting test

The main purpose of this part of ISO 16276 is to complement the ISO 12944 series in the field evaluation and acceptance criteria for coating adhesion/cohesion.

Note that this part of ISO 16276 is designed to evaluate transverse and X-cut tests for paint coatings on steel structures in the field. ISO 2409 prescribes crosscut testing and ASTM D 3359 prescribes a generic X-cut test without a note explaining the results or accepting or rejecting the criteria.

ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

Breaking strength testing is often destructive and therefore requires maintenance work, the extent of which depends on the specifications and durability required for the protective paint coating.

The objective of this part of ISO 16276 is to minimize variability and achieve uniformity in practice when evaluating the break strength of bedliner coatings, and to establish acceptance/rejection criteria for such coatings. The method uses test equipment based on the principles of crosscutting and X-cutting.

1 Reichweite
Dieser Teil von ISO 16276 specifies that when cutting in the form of a rectangular lattice pattern (crosscut) or X (X-cut), the resistance rating program of the coating system is permeated into the coating and onto the substrate.

Dieser Teil von ISO 16276 applies only to ratings that specify a crosscut or X-cut test method and the corresponding rating level.

Note that the characteristics of the coating can make it difficult to evaluate crosscut or X-cut test results.

ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

Dieser Teil von ISO 16276 also specifies suitable equipment and defines inspection areas, sampling plans and acceptance/rejection criteria.

It does not specify a rating for a particular coating system.

2 Normative Verweisungen
Für die Anwendung dieses Dokuments sind die folgenden Referenzdateien erforderlich. Für datierte Referenzen, Es gilt ausschließlich die zitierte Fassung. Für undatierte Referenzen, eine neue Version der Referenz (einschließlich etwaiger Überarbeitungen) gilt.

ISO 2409-2006, Farben und Lacke. Cross cutting test

ISO 12944-7, Farben und Lacke – Corrosion protection of steel structures through protective coating systems – Teil 7: Execution and supervision of paint work

ISO 12944-8, Farben und Lacke – Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective coating systems – Teil 8: Development of new work and maintenance specifications

ISO 19840, Farben und Lacke – Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective coating systemsStandard for measurement and acceptance of dry film thickness on rough surfaces

ASTM D 3359-02, Standard Test Method for Measuring Adhesion by Tape testing

ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

3 Begriffe und Definitionen
Für die Zwecke dieses Dokuments, Es gelten die folgenden Begriffe und Definitionen.

3.1 Breaking strength

More than the force needed for the relay

Between coatings or between coatings and substrate (adhesion) and/or

Inside the coat (cohesive)

Notiz 1: Dieser Teil von ISO 16276 does not define a method for determining breaking strength (siehe ISO 16276-1).

3.2 Adhäsion

Adhesion at the interface between a solid surface and another material caused by molecular forces

Notiz 1: Adhesion should not be confused with cohesion.

[Quelle: ISO 4618:2006]

ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

3.3 Cohesion

The force that binds the film together into a single entity

Notiz 1: Cohesion should not be confused with adhesion.

[Quelle: ISO 4618:2006]

3.4 Coat

A continuous layer of coating material produced from a single application

[Quelle: ISO 4618:2006]

3.5 Clothes

A continuous layer formed by a single or multiple coating of a coating material onto a substrate

[Quelle: ISO 4618:2006]

3.6 Checking Areas

The specified area where the sampling plan has been applied can be the entire structure or a selected part of the structure

ISO 16276-2-2007 “Evaluation and acceptance criteria for adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of protective coating systems to corrosion protective coatings on steel structures – Teil 2: cross-cut and X-cut tests

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