ASTMD 2240-2021 “Rubber PropertiesStandard Test Method for Hardness 1- (Diauroc) Testeur de dureté”

Rubber propertiesStandard test method for Hardness 1- Test method involves A, B, C, D, DO, E, M., Ô, OO, OOO, OOO-S and R 12 (Diauroch) hardness tests and procedures for determining the indentation hardness of substances according to the classification of rubber, net materials, elastic materials, thermoplastic materials and certain hard plastics.
Signification et objectif
4.1 The test method is based on the penetration of a specific type of indentation when forced into the material under specific conditions. Indentation hardness is inversely proportional to penetration and depends on the elastic modulus and viscoelastic behavior of the material. The geometry of the indenter and the forces applied can affect the measurements, so there is no simple relationship between the measurements obtained using one hardness tester and those obtained using another hardness tester or other instruments used to measure hardness. The test method is an empirical test primarily used for control purposes. There is no simple relationship between the indentation hardness determined by this test method and any basic characteristics of the tested material. For specification purposes, it is recommended that test method D785 be used for materials other than those described in 1.1.

Champ d'application
1.1 The test method covers twelve types of rubber hardness measuring equipment called durometers: type A, B, C, D, DO, E, M., Ô, OO, OOO, OOO-S and R. Procedures for determining the indentation hardness of substances classified as thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanisé (thermoset) caoutchouc, elastomeric materials, porous materials, gel-like materials and certain plastics are also described.

1.2 This test method is not equivalent to other indentation hardness methods and instrument types, in particular those described in Test Method D1415.

1.3 This test method is not applicable to the test of coated fabrics.

1.4 All materials, instruments or equipment used to determine mass, force or size shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology or other internationally recognized organization of a similar nature.

ASTMD 2240-2021 “Rubber PropertiesStandard Test Method for Hardness 1- (Diauroc) Testeur de dureté”

1.5 Les valeurs exprimées en unités SI doivent être considérées comme des valeurs standard. Les valeurs données entre parenthèses sont à titre indicatif uniquement. Many of the stated dimensions in SI were translated directly from the US customary system to fit instruments, practices, and procedures that existed prior to the 1975 Metric Conversion Act.

1.6 Cette norme n'est pas destinée à traiter tous les problèmes de sécurité, si seulement, associé à son utilisation. Il est de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur de cette norme d'établir des mesures de sécurité appropriées., pratiques sanitaires et environnementales et pour déterminer l’applicabilité des restrictions réglementaires avant utilisation.

1.7 La présente Norme internationale a été élaborée conformément aux principes de normalisation internationalement reconnus établis dans la Décision sur les principes pour l'élaboration de normes internationales., Lignes directrices et recommandations émises par le Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce.

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