OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

Une préface
OIN (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une alliance mondiale d'organismes de normalisation nationaux (Comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration de normes internationales est généralement réalisée par l'intermédiaire de comités techniques ISO.. Chaque institution membre intéressée par un sujet pour lequel un comité technique a été créé a le droit d'être représentée au sein du comité.. Les organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernementales qui assurent la liaison avec les organismes de normalisation sont également impliquées dans ces travaux.. L'ISO travaille en étroite collaboration avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) sur toutes les questions de normalisation électrique.

Les procédures utilisées pour développer ce document ainsi que celles utilisées pour une maintenance ultérieure sont décrites dans la partie 1 de la directive ISO/CEI. En particulier, il convient de prêter attention aux différents critères d'approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Ce document a été rédigé conformément aux règles éditoriales de la partie 2 de la directive ISO/CEI (voir iso.org/directives).

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

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This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35 (Peintures et vernis) in cooperation with Technical Committee CEN/TC 139 (Peintures et vernis) of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in accordance with the Technical Cooperation Agreement (Accord de Vienne) between ISO and CEN.

The fourth edition cancels and replaces the technically revised third edition (OIN 11890-2:2013).

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

Compared with the previous edition, the main changes are as follows:

The scope has been expanded to include the determination of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC);

The range has been expanded to include concentrations ranging from 0.01% à 100%;

Added specification for the determination of semi-volatile organic compounds.

A list of all parts in the ISO 11890 la série peut être consultée sur le site Web de l'ISO.

Any feedback or questions regarding this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A full list of these agencies can be found at iso.org/members.html.

This document is one of a series of standards dealing with the sampling and testing of coating materials and their raw materials. It provides a method for the determination of volatile organic compound (COV) content and semi-volatile organic compound (SVOC) content of coating materials and their raw materials.

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OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

1 Portée
This document is suitable for the determination of VOC and/or SVOC with an expected VOC and SVOC content greater than 0.01 % (mass) à 100 %.

The method given in ISO 11890-1 is used when the VOC mass is greater than 15%. Ce document (method ISO 11890-2) is applicable when the system contains both VOC and SVOC, as the VOC results of ISO 11890-1 May be affected by SVOC. For VOC content of less than 0.1%, the headspace method described in ISO 17895 was used as an alternative. OIN 11890-1 et ISO 17895 cannot be used to determine SVOC content.

Note 1 Certain components of coating materials and their raw materials can decompose and cause artificial VOC and/or SVOC signals during analysis. These signals are artifacts of the method and are not taken into account when determining the VOC and/or SVOC of coating materials and their raw materials (examples are given in Annex B).

This method assumes that the volatile matter is water or organic matter. Cependant, other volatile inorganic compounds may be present and may need to be quantified by another suitable method and allowed in the calculations. The methods defined in this document are not applicable to the determination of moisture content.

Note 2 If organic acids or bases and their corresponding salts are present in the coating material or its raw materials, the amount quantified by this method may not be accurate due to changes in the acid or base balance.

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants sont référencés dans le texte de telle manière que tout ou partie de leur contenu constitue les exigences de ce document.. Pour les références datées, seule la version citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la nouvelle version de la référence (y compris toutes les révisions) s'applique.

OIN 760, Determination of moisture – Méthode Karl Fischer (méthode générale)

OIN 1513, Peintures et vernis – Examen et préparation des échantillons de test

OIN 2811 (toutes les parties), peintures et vernis — Détermination de la densité

OIN 15528, Des peintures, vernis et matières premières pour peintures et vernis – Échantillonnage

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

3 Termes et définitions
Aux fins de ce document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.

L'ISO et la CEI maintiennent des bases de données terminologiques pour la normalisation aux adresses suivantes:

– Plateforme de navigation en ligne ISO: disponible sur iso.org/obp

– Encyclopédie électronique CEI: disponible sur electropedia.org/

3.1 Volatile Organic Compounds
Volatile organic compounds

Any organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact

Note 1: For current usage of the term VOC in the field of coatings, see Volatile Organic Compound content (VOC content) (3.4).

Note 2: Under U.S. government legislation, the term VOC is limited to those compounds that are photochemically active in the atmosphere (see ASTM D3960). Any other compound is then defined as an exempt compound (3.6).

[Source: OIN 4618:2014, 2.270]

3.2 Semi-volatile organic compounds

Organic liquids and/or solids, spontaneously evaporate at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere in contact with them, but more slowly than vocs

Note 1: For current usage of the term SVOC in the field of coating materials, see semi-volatile Organic Compound Content (SVOC content) (3.5).

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

3.3 Non-volatile organic compounds
Non-vessel carrier

Organic liquids and/or solids not classified as VOC or SVOC

3.4 Volatile organic compound content
Volatile organic compound content

Volatile organic compounds

The quality of volatile organic compounds (3.1) present in the coating material as determined under the specified conditions

Note 1: The nature and number of compounds to be considered will depend on the application area of the coating material. For each application area, limit values as well as determination or calculation methods are specified by regulation or agreement.

Note 2: If the term VOC refers to a compound with a specified maximum boiling point, compounds considered as part of the VOC content are those whose boiling point is below and includes this limit, while compounds with higher boiling points are considered as semi-volatile or non-volatile organic compounds.

[Source: OIN 4618:2014, 2.271, modifié – entry note 2 added.]

3.5 Semi-volatile organic compound content
SVOC content

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”


The quality of semi-volatile organic compounds (3.2) present in the coating material as determined under the specified conditions

Note 1: The nature and number of compounds to be considered will depend on the application area of the coating material. For each application area, limit values as well as determination or calculation methods are specified by regulation or agreement.

Note 2: If the term SVOC refers to compounds with specified maximum and minimum boiling points, compounds considered as part of the SVOC content are those with boiling points below and including upper and lower limits, and those with higher boiling points are considered as non-volatile organic compounds.

3.6 Exempted Compounds
Organic compounds that do not participate in atmospheric photochemical reactions

Note 1: This expression is only relevant in certain countries/regions.

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

3.7 Readily Available
The state of the product, when the product is mixed in the correct proportions in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and diluted with the correct diluent as required in order to be ready for use by the approved method

3.8 Internal standard
Compounds not present in the sample, completely separated from the other components in the chromatogram, inert relative to the sample composition, stable over the desired temperature range and known purity, are added to the sample to control the dilution and injection steps of the analysis

3.9 Surrogacy standards
Compounds of known purity, used to quantify unidentified volatile organic compounds and SVOC

3.10 Labeled compounds
Compounds used to distinguish VOC from SVOC, or SVOC from NVOC (if required to be distinguished based on retention time) (3.11)

3.11 Retention time

The time elapsed between the injection of sample components and the recording of peak maxima

3.12 Extraction solvent
Liquid used to extract volatile organic compounds and Svocs from the substrates under study

3.13 Main peak
A peak that makes a significant contribution to either side

Volatile organic compound content, c'est à dire. ≥ 10% of the absolute volatile organic compound content (par exemple. DEA equivalent) and ≥0.1% (par exemple. DEA equivalent), ou

SVOC content, c'est, ≥10% (DEA equivalent) and ≥0.1% mass (DEA equivalent) of absolute SVOC content

OIN 11890-2-2020 “Peintures et vernis – Détermination des composés organiques volatils (COV) contenu – Partie 2- Chromatographie des gaz”

3.14 Secondary peak
Peak, with only a small contribution to either side

Volatile organic compound content, c'est à dire. < 0.1% of mass (such as DEA equivalent) and/or < 10% of the absolute volatile organic compound content (such as DEA equivalent), ou

SVOC content, à savoir < 0.1% by mass (DEA equivalent) and/or absolute SVOC content < 10% (DEA equivalent)

3.15 Reagents
Substances used for chemical/biochemical analysis or other reactions

[Source: OIN 20391-1:2018, 3.19]

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