Types d'électrodes composées pour ph-mètre

L'électrode composite du ph-mètre est une électrode courante utilisée pour mesurer le pH et se compose de différents matériaux.. The following are some common types of composite electrodes for pH meters:

Glass composite electrode: Glass composite electrode is one of the more common types of pH meter electrode. It consists of a glass probe and a reference electrode. The glass probe determines pH by measuring the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.

Glass/Silver electrode: This composite electrode incorporates a silver electrode into the glass probe. Silver electrode is used to compensate the concentration change of silver ion in the reference electrode to improve the accuracy of measurement.

Glass/Platinum electrode: This composite electrode incorporates a platinum electrode into the glass probe. Platinum electrode is used to compensate the change of platinum ion concentration in the reference electrode to improve the accuracy of measurement.

Types d'électrodes composées pour ph-mètre

ISFET electrode: The ISFET (Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor) electrode is a solid state electrode, different from the traditional glass electrode. It uses solid-state semiconductor sensors to detect the concentration of ions in the solution and convert them to corresponding electrical signals.

Bipolar electrode: A bipolar electrode consists of two identical electrodes, usually a glass electrode. This electrode can provide more stable and accurate measurement results, especially suitable for complex samples and extreme conditions.

These are common types of pH meter composite electrodes, each with its specific range of application and advantages. The specific choice of composite electrode should be determined according to the application requirements and sample characteristics.

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