ASTM D 822-2018 “Uji Paparan Busur Karbon Api untuk Filtrasi Filter untuk Cat dan Pelapis Terkait”

Arti dan Tujuan
4.1 Untuk banyak aplikasi, the ability of a paint or coating to resist deterioration of physical and optical properties due to exposure to light, panas, and water may be very important. This practice aims to cause changes in attributes related to end-use conditions, including the effects of sunlight, kelembaban, and heat. The exposures used in this practice are not intended to model the deterioration caused by local weather phenomena such as atmospheric pollution, biological attack, and saline-water exposure.

4.2 CaveatsResults may change when different operating conditions are used. Karena itu, no reference to the use of this practice may be made unless accompanied by a report prepared under Section 10 describing the specific operating conditions used. See Practice G151 for details of the caveats applicable to the use of the results obtained under this practice.

Catatan 1: Untuk informasi tambahan tentang sumber variabilitas dan strategi mengatasi variabilitas dalam desain, eksekusi, and data analysis of laboratory accelerated exposure trials, lihat Panduan G141.

4.2.1 The spectral power profiles of light from an open flame carbon arc are significantly different from those generated by light and water exposure equipment using other carbon arc configurations or other light sources. The type and rate of degradation and performance ranking produced by exposure to filtered open flame carbon arcs may be quite different from those produced by exposure to other types of laboratory light sources.

ASTM D 822-2018 “Uji Paparan Busur Karbon Api untuk Filtrasi Filter untuk Cat dan Pelapis Terkait”

4.2.2 Inter-laboratory comparisons are valid only if all laboratories use the same type of carbon arcs, filters, and exposure conditions.

4.3 The reproducibility of test results between laboratories has been shown to be good when evaluating the stability of the material according to the performance class compared to other materials or controls. IV,5 Karena itu, it is highly recommended to expose similar materials with known properties (kontrol) bersamaan dengan materi tes. At least three replications of each material are recommended to allow statistical evaluation of the results.

4.4 Test results will depend on the degree of care with which the equipment is operated according to practice G152. Important factors include regulation of line voltage, absence of salt or other water deposits, temperature and humidity control, and electrode conditions.

4.5 All exposures referred to in accordance with this practice shall include a complete description of the test period used.

ASTM D 822-2018 “Uji Paparan Busur Karbon Api untuk Filtrasi Filter untuk Cat dan Pelapis Terkait”

Ruang lingkup
1.1 This practice covers the selection of conditions for accelerated exposure testing of coatings and related products in filtered open-flame carbon arc devices in accordance with Practices G151 and G152. The practice also includes preparation of specimens, suitable test conditions for coatings, and evaluation of test results. Meja 1 describes the commonly used test conditions.

1.2 This practice does not include closed carbon arc exposure of paint and associated coatings, which is described in Practice D5031 / D5031M. Practice D3361/D3361M covers an additional procedure for exposing these products, where specimens are exposed to radiation from an unfiltered open flame carbon arc, which produces shorter wavelengths and higher levels of shorter-wavelength radiation compared to filtered open or closed carbon arcs.

1.3 Nilai yang dinyatakan dalam satuan SI atau satuan inci-pon harus diperlakukan secara terpisah sebagai nilai standar. Nilai-nilai yang ditentukan dalam setiap sistem mungkin tidak sama persis; Karena itu, setiap sistem harus digunakan secara independen satu sama lain. Penggabungan nilai-nilai kedua sistem dapat mengakibatkan ketidakpatuhan terhadap kriteria.

1.4 Standar ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi semua masalah keselamatan, jika ada, terkait dengan penggunaannya. Pengguna standar ini bertanggung jawab untuk menetapkan keselamatan yang sesuai, praktik kesehatan dan lingkungan dan untuk menentukan penerapan pembatasan peraturan sebelum digunakan.

1.5 Standar internasional ini telah dikembangkan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip standardisasi yang diakui secara internasional yang ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Prinsip-Prinsip Pengembangan Standar Internasional, Pedoman dan Rekomendasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Hambatan Teknis Perdagangan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia.

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