Praktik Standar ASTM G152-2021 untuk Pengoperasian Instrumen Busur Karbon Api Terbuka untuk Paparan Bahan Non-Logam

Arti dan kegunaannya
5.1 The use of the equipment is intended to cause changes in performance related to the conditions of end use, including the effects of sunlight, moisture and heat. These exposures may include methods of introducing moisture to the specimen. Exposure is not intended to simulate deterioration caused by local weather phenomena such as atmospheric pollution, serangan biologis, dan paparan air asin. kalau tidak, exposure can simulate the effects of sunlight passing through a window pane. Often, these exposures will include moisture in the form of humidity.

Catatan 2: Please refer to Practice G151 for the complete warning guidelines applicable to all laboratory aging equipment.

5.2 Changes in results may be expected when operating conditions vary within the acceptable limits of this practice. Consequently, no reference to the results of the use of this approach may be made unless accompanied by a report detailing the specific operating conditions of section 10.

5.2.1 It is recommended that similar materials (kontrol) with known properties be exposed at the same time as the sample to provide a standard for comparison purposes. It is better to use control materials that are known to have relatively poor durability and good performance. It is recommended that at least three replicates of each evaluated material be performed in each test to allow for statistical evaluation of the results

Praktik Standar ASTM G152-2021 untuk Pengoperasian Instrumen Busur Karbon Api Terbuka untuk Paparan Bahan Non-Logam

1.1 This practice covers the fundamentals and operating procedures for the use of open flame carbon arcs and water installations and aims to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed to sunlight (directly or through window panes) and moisture (such as rain or dew) dalam penggunaan sebenarnya. This practice is limited to procedures for obtaining, measuring, and controlling exposure conditions. Some exposure procedures are listed in the appendix; Namun, this practice does not specify the appropriate exposure conditions for the material under test.

Catatan 1: Practice G151 describes performance standards for all exposure equipment using laboratory light sources. This practice replaces Practice G23, which describes the very specific design of equipment for carbon arc exposure. The equipment described in Practice G23 is covered by this practice.

1.2 Under controlled environmental conditions, the sample is exposed to filtered open flame carbon arc light. Different filters are described.

Praktik Standar ASTM G152-2021 untuk Pengoperasian Instrumen Busur Karbon Api Terbuka untuk Paparan Bahan Non-Logam

1.3 Sample preparation and result evaluation are included in the material specific method or specification. General guidance is given in Practice G151 and ISO 4892-1. More specific information is described in Practice D5870 about methods for determining post-exposure characteristic changes and reporting these results.

1.4 Nilai yang dinyatakan dalam satuan SI harus dianggap standar.

1.5 Standar ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi semua masalah keselamatan, jika ada, terkait dengan penggunaannya. Merupakan tanggung jawab pengguna standar ini untuk menetapkan keselamatan yang sesuai, praktik kesehatan dan lingkungan dan untuk menentukan penerapan pembatasan peraturan sebelum digunakan.

1.5.1 If any ozone is generated by the operation of the light source, it should be removed from the sample and the operator through the exhaust system.

1.6 This practice is technically similar to ISO 4892-4.

1.7 Standar internasional ini didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip standardisasi yang diakui secara internasional yang ditetapkan dalam Keputusan Prinsip-Prinsip Pengembangan Standar Internasional, Pedoman dan Rekomendasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Komite Hambatan Teknis Perdagangan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia.

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