Metode uji mesin uji abrasi TABER

TABER abrasion testing machine is suitable for testing the wear resistance of the finished shoe sole and the formed bottom (sheet). The principle is to press the rotating grinding wheel vertically on the sample, carry out abrasion test on the sample at a certain load, a certain speed and a certain time, and measure the length of the test wear mark. TABER abrasion testing machines can be used to evaluate the wear resistance of products, as well as scratch resistance...

Prinsip struktural mesin uji keausan

Mesin ini sesuai dengan DIN-53516,ISO/DIS-4649,GB-9867 Mesin ini cocok untuk bahan elastis, karet, ban, ban berjalan, ban berjalan, tunggal, soft synthetic leather, leather and other materials wear test, with high efficiency, good reproducibility and easy operation characteristics. Structural principle of wear testing machine Roller diameter φ150mm Roller length 460mm Roller speed 40rpm Wear stroke 40mm (20mm) Wear speed 0.32m/sec Structural principle of wear testing machine Structural principle of wear testing machine: kendali komputer mikro, LCD dynamic display, mechatronics principle, set friction test. Sebelum ujian, the number of...

Mesin uji abrasi DIN dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi kualitas produk karet

Mesin uji keausan DIN digunakan untuk mengetahui ketahanan aus ban karet, sepatu karet, tape, dll., in order to identify the quality of rubber products. The quality index of rubber products is the main basis for evaluating the quality and performance of rubber products. The wear testing machine fixes the test piece in the test piece seat of the testing machine, and increases a certain pressure on the test sole through the test piece seat to carry out...

Itu 8 karakteristik pengukur tahan luntur warna

Fitur: 1. 1000 jam operasi terus menerus *; 2. Kombinasi bebas parameter kondisional, 24 penyesuaian intensitas cahaya, to meet different standards; 3. Large flat touch (film) panel, high-definition digital display, mudah dioperasikan; 4. Timely control of sample frame revolution/rotation, and set the point function to fully ensure fast operation; Itu 8 karakteristik pengukur tahan luntur warna 5. Built-in self-circulation system and air filtration system, greatly reducing environmental quality requirements; 6. Deceleration motor, plastik, steel gear, streamline split rotation, to ensure reliable and stable...

Bagaimana kondisi penggunaan mesin uji keausan?

Penguji ketahanan aus termasuk logam, cat, permukaan pelat, bahan pelapis, tekstil, kulit, karet dan ketahanan aus lainnya. Application range: luggage, carpet, kardus, pakaian, kaca, plastic coating, ceramic tile, metal coating, cat, pernis, decorative sheet, high pressure sheet, plastik, tekstil, elastic floor mat, traffic paint, anodized layer, blankets, komponen elektronik, decorative board, wax, label, leather cases, bahan gigi, automotive interior decoration, Damar, mebel, dll.. Bagaimana kondisi penggunaan mesin uji keausan? Conditions of use: 1, there is no strong...

Dua metode penggunaan multimeter digital diperkenalkan

Multimeter digital adalah alat yang umum digunakan untuk mengukur arus, tegangan dan resistansi. We will often use it in maintenance, but for beginners, the use of digital multimeter is not very understanding, the following introduces the two use methods of digital multimeter The use of digital multimeter method 1: Determine whether the line or device is charged The AC voltage file of the digital multimeter is very sensitive, even if there is a small induction voltage around it can be displayed,...

Bagikan fungsi multimeter digital

Multimeter digital, alat ukur elektronik serba guna, umumnya berisi amperemeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter dan fungsi lainnya, sometimes also known as multimeter, multi-meter, multi-meter, or three-purpose meter.Functions and features: 40,000/4,000 count resolution is available Multifunctional digital dual display, 20-segment bar analog display 0.06% basic DC voltage accuracy 40mV to 1,000V DC voltage range, resolution up to 1μV Share the function of digital multimeter 40mV to 750V DC voltage range, resolution up to 1μV 400μA to 10A DC current, AC current range, resolution up to 10nA Ac voltage, AC current...

Karakteristik dan struktur ruang uji pelapukan UV

Ruang uji pelapukan UV dapat mensimulasikan kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh sinar matahari, hujan dan embun. The BR-UV weathering chamber uses fluorescent ultraviolet lamps to simulate the effect of sunlight exposure, and condensates moisture to simulate dew. The material under test is tested in a cycle of alternating light and moisture at a certain temperature. In a matter of days or weeks, BR-UV can reproduce hazards that occur outdoors for months or years. Hazard types include: fading, discoloration, loss of...