ISO 11997-1-2017 – Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishs-Part 1: Basah (semprotan garam)/ dry/wet

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This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Cat dan pernis, Subkomite SC 9, General Test methods for paints and varnishes.

ISO 11997-1-2017 – Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishs-Part 1: Basah (semprotan garam)/ dry/wet

The third edition cancels and replaces the second edition of the technical revision (ISO 11997-1:2005).

Compared with the previous edition, the main changes are as follows:

The time when no moisture can be seen on the panel (melihat 6.4) has been changed;

Added reference to ISO 4628-8 for assessing the degree of delamination and corrosion around markings or other man-made defects;

Added reference to ISO 4620-10 for assessing the degree of filamentous corrosion;

Supplementary test conditions previously listed in Annex A have been incorporated into the test report;

The number and order of attachments have been changed;

The pH adjustment procedures for salt solutions in Appendices A to D have been implemented since ISO 9227;

Where possible, the text has been aligned with the new version of ISO 9227.

A list of all parts in the ISO 11997 seri dapat ditemukan di situs web ISO.

ISO 11997-1-2017 – Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishs-Part 1: Basah (semprotan garam)/ dry/wet

Cat, varices and coatings of similar materials are exposed to one of the four cycles of wet and dry conditions specified in this document (see Annex A of Annex D) using the specified salt solution in the cabinet in order to simulate in the laboratory the processes that occur under corrosive outdoor conditions, such as Marine environments. Secara umum, a correlation between such outdoor aging and laboratory tests cannot be expected due to the large number of factors affecting the breakdown process. Correlations can only be expected if the effects of important parameters, such as the nature of the contaminant, the spectral distribution of incident irradiance in the relevant photochemical region, the temperature of the specimen, the type and period of wetting, and the relative humidity, on the coating are known. Compared to outdoor aging, the number of variables that can be controlled is smaller when laboratory testing is performed in a cabinet, so the effect is more reproducible. The described method can also provide a means of checking whether the quality of the paint or paint system is maintained.

It has been found that this method can be used to compare the cyclic salt spray tolerance of different coatings. It is most applicable to provide relevant ratings for a range of coated panels that exhibit significant differences in cyclic salt spray resistance.

The test cycles included in this document have been successfully used in the industry for performance evaluation with documented evidence. The cycle can be summarized as follows.

Cycle A (see Annex A) : This cycle is specified in the Japanese automotive standards JASO M 609-91 and JASO M610-92.

Cycle B (lihat Lampiran B) : This is based on the VDA 621-415 cycle, which is widely used in Europe. It has also been shown to correlate well with the natural weathering of thermoset coatings in vehicle corrosion.

-Cycle C (see Annex C) : This cycle was developed in the UK for use in water-soluble and latex paint systems and has been shown to correlate well with natural weathering.

Cycle D (see Annex D) : This cycle is specified in the Japanese standard JIS K 5621-2003.

Additional loops are intended to be added in subsequent revisions of this document, as they were developed for the evaluation of other paint types.

ISO 11997-2 describes a method for determining paint cycle corrosion resistance that includes UV exposure as part of the cycle. It has been found to have a good correlation with the natural weathering of industrial maintenance coatings.

ISO 11997-1-2017 – Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishs-Part 1: Basah (semprotan garam)/ dry/wet

1 Cakupan
This document specifies a method for determining the tolerance of a coating to one of the four defined cycles of wet (semprotan garam)/dry/wet conditions using a specified solution.

2 Acuan normatif
Dokumen-dokumen berikut direferensikan dalam teks sedemikian rupa sehingga sebagian atau seluruh isinya merupakan persyaratan dokumen ini. Untuk referensi bertanggal, hanya versi yang dikutip yang berlaku. Untuk referensi tidak bertanggal, referensi versi baru (termasuk revisi apa pun) berlaku.

ISO 1513, Cat dan pernis – Pemeriksaan dan penyiapan sampel uji

ISO 1514, Cat dan pernis — Uji panel standar

ISO 2808, Cat dan pernis — Penentuan ketebalan film

ISO 3270, Cat dan pernis serta bahan bakunya – suhu dan kelembaban diatur dan diuji

ISO 3696, penggunaan air laboratorium analitik – spesifikasi dan metode pengujian

ISO 4628-1, Cat dan pernis — Penilaian degradasi lapisan — jumlah dan ukuran cacat serta penunjukan intensitas perubahan penampilan yang seragam — Bagian 1: Pengenalan umum dan sistem penunjukan

ISO 4628-2, Cat dan pernis — Penilaian degradasi lapisan — Penunjukan jumlah dan ukuran cacat serta intensitas perubahan penampilan yang seragam — Bagian 2: Penilaian tingkat busa

ISO 4628-3, Cat dan pernis — Penilaian degradasi lapisan — Penunjukan jumlah dan ukuran cacat serta intensitas perubahan penampilan yang seragam — Bagian 3: Assessment of the degree of rust

ISO 4628-4, Cat dan pernis – Penilaian degradasi lapisan – Spesifikasi jumlah dan ukuran cacat serta intensitas perubahan penampilan yang seragam – Bagian 4: Penilaian tingkat keretakan

ISO 4628-5, Cat dan pernis — Penilaian degradasi lapisan — Penunjukan jumlah dan ukuran cacat serta intensitas perubahan penampilan yang seragam — Bagian 5: Penilaian tingkat pengelupasan

ISO 4628-8, Cat dan pernis — Penilaian degradasi lapisan — Designation of the number and size of defects, and the intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Bagian 8: Assessment of the degree of delimitation and corrosion around markings or other artificial defects

ISO 4628-10, Cat dan pernis — Penilaian degradasi lapisan — Spesifikasi jumlah dan ukuran cacat serta intensitas perubahan penampilan yang seragam — Bagian 10: Penilaian tingkat korosi filamen

ISO 15528, Cat, pernis dan bahan baku cat dan pernis — Contoh

ISO 17872-2007, Cat dan pernis. Guidelines for corrosion testing by introducing scribing marks through metal panel coatings

ISO 11997-1-2017 – Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishs-Part 1: Basah (semprotan garam)/ dry/wet

3 Istilah dan definisi
Tidak ada istilah dan definisi yang dicantumkan dalam dokumen ini.

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