ISO 4621-1986 “Spesifikasi pigmen hijau kromium oksida untuk pelapis”

Kata Pengantar
ISO (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi) adalah aliansi global badan standar nasional (badan anggota ISO). Pengembangan standar internasional biasanya dilakukan melalui komite teknis ISO. Setiap lembaga anggota yang berminat pada suatu mata pelajaran yang telah dibentuk panitia teknisnya berhak untuk diwakili dalam panitia tersebut. Organisasi internasional pemerintah dan non-pemerintah yang berhubungan dengan organisasi standardisasi juga terlibat dalam pekerjaan ini.

Draft international standards adopted by technical committees are circulated to member bodies for approval before they are accepted as international standards by the ISO Council. They are approved according to ISO procedures that require at least 75% approval by voting member institutions.

The international standard ISO4621 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishments.

Users should note that all international Standards are subject to revision from time to time unless otherwise stated, and unless otherwise stated, any reference herein to any other international standard means a new version of it.

ISO 4621-1986 “Spesifikasi pigmen hijau kromium oksida untuk pelapis”

Ruang lingkup dan bidang aplikasi
This standard specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for chromium oxide green pigments suitable for general use.

2 Bahan referensi
ISO 385/1, laboratory glasswareBurettes — Bagian 1: Ketentuan Umum.

ISO 648, Laboratory glasswareSingle label pipettes.

ISO 787, Metode pengujian umum untuk pigmen dan bahan pengisi —

Bagian 1: Perbandingan warna pigmen.

Bagian 2: Penentuan zat mudah menguap pada 105°C. Bagian 3: Determination of substances readily soluble in water

ISO 4621-1986 “Spesifikasi pigmen hijau kromium oksida untuk pelapis”

Metode ekstraksi termal.

Bagian 5: Penentuan nilai serapan minyak.

Bagian 7: Determination of residues on sieves – metode air – manual procedure.

Bagian 9: Determination of pH value of aqueous suspensions.

Bagian 16: Determination of relative coloring intensity for equivalent coloring values) and color-visual comparison methods for the reduction of colored pigments.

Bagian 20: Comparison of dispersibility (oscillatory oscillatory method).

ISO 4621-1986 “Spesifikasi pigmen hijau kromium oksida untuk pelapis”

ISO 842, raw materials for paints and varnishes – Contoh.

ISO 1042, Laboratory glasswareSingle-labeled volumetric flasks.

ISO 3696, laboratory water use — Spesifikasi. 1)

ISO 3856/6, Cat dan pernis – Penentuan “larut” kandungan logam – Bagian 6: Determination of total chromium content in liquid parts of paintsflame atomic absorption spectrometry.

ISO 6713, Cat dan pernis — Preparation of acid extracts from paints in liquid or powder form.

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