ISO 6503-1984 “Cat dan pernis — Penentuan total konten timbal — Spektrometri serapan atom api”

kata pengantar
ISO (Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi) adalah aliansi global badan standar nasional (badan anggota ISO). Pengembangan standar internasional biasanya dilakukan melalui komite teknis ISO. Setiap lembaga anggota yang tertarik pada suatu mata pelajaran yang telah dibentuk komite teknisnya berhak untuk diwakili dalam komite tersebut. Organisasi pemerintah dan non-pemerintah internasional yang bekerja sama dengan ISO juga terlibat dalam pekerjaan ini.

Rancangan standar internasional yang diadopsi oleh komite teknis diedarkan ke badan-badan anggota untuk disetujui sebelum diterima sebagai standar internasional oleh Dewan ISO. They are approved under the ISO process, which requires at least 75 per cent approval from voting member bodies.

ISO standar internasional 6503 was developed by the Technical Committee ISO/TC 35 untuk cat dan pernis.

1 Scope and domain of application
This standard describes a flame atomic absorption spectrometry method for the determination of total lead in paints and related products.

This method is suitable for products with total lead content in the range of approximately 0.01 ke 2% (m/m).

Catatan – This method is also suitable for products with total lead content greater than 2 % (m/m), but should only be used if the accuracy does not exceed the appropriate value given in 7.2.

Two methods to deal with the test part are given. In case of dispute, the dry ash method (Clause 4) shall be used as the method of adjudication.

To determine lead in test solutions, the dithiazole spectrophotometry specified in ISO 3856/1 May be used as an alternative method.

ISO 6503-1984 “Cat dan pernis — Penentuan total konten timbal — Spektrometri serapan atom api”

2 Bahan referensi
ISO 385/1, burette for laboratory glassware – Bagian 1: Ketentuan Umum.

ISO 1042, Single label volumetric bottles for laboratory glassware.

ISO 1512, Cat dan pernis — Contoh.

ISO 1513, Cat dan pernis — Pemeriksaan dan penyiapan sampel uji.

ISO 3696, Laboratory water – Spesifikasi.

ISO 3856/1, Cat dan pernis – Penentuan “larut” kandungan logam – Bagian 1: Penentuan kandungan timbal – Flame atomic absorption spectrometry and dithiazole spectrophotometry.

ISO 5725, Accuracy of test methodsDetermination of repeatability and reproducibility by inter-laboratory testing.

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