ISO 7724-1-1984 “Kolorimetri warna dan pernis – Bagian 1: Prinsip”

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Bagian dari ISO ini 7724 describes the colorimetric terms and basic requirements necessary to determine the color coordinates of paint films and related materials.

References to

This document refers to:

ISO 3668- Cat dan pernis – Perbandingan visual warna cat

ISO published on May 1, 2017

This document specifies a way to useA method of visually comparing the color of a film of a standard (reference standard or freshly made standard) paint or related product.

ISO 7724-1-1984 “Kolorimetri warna dan pernis – Bagian 1: Prinsip”

This document refers to:

ISO 2813- Cat dan pernis – Determination of gloss at 20°, 60° dan 85°

ISO issued on October 1, 2014

This international standard specifies the method of determining the gloss of a coating using three geometries of 20°, 60° or 85°. This method is suitable for gloss measurement of nonwoven fabrics.

This document refers to:

38- Radiological and photometric properties of materials and their measurement (E) (F) (G)

CIE was issued on January 1, 1977

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