Metode pengujian sifat dempul

Dempul adalah sejenis bahan pelapis yang digunakan untuk mengisi dan memperbaiki cacat permukaan bangunan, permukaan halus, increase the adhesion of coating, usually by gypsum, magnesium oxide, silicate and other raw materials and filler, thickener and other auxiliary components. Putty has good filling, ketahanan aus, tahan air, weather resistance and other advantages, can level all kinds of wall surface, and provide a uniform foundation for paint. Putty is widely used in architectural decoration engineering, which is an important link of wall decoration and coating construction.

Metode pengujian sifat dempul

Kinerja deteksi
The putty needs to test the following properties:

Performance test item
Bonding strength The bonding degree between the putty coating and the substrate
Thickness Indicates the thickness of the putty coating
Hardness Hardness of the putty coating
Wear resistance The wear resistance of the putty coating
Water resistance of water resistant putty coatings
Anti-aging properties of weatherproof putty coatings under different climatic conditions
Drying time Drying time of the putty coating
Cracking resistance of anticracking putty coating
Other such as coating fire resistance, mildew resistance, dll.
Metode pengujian sifat dempul

Metode deteksi
Kekuatan ikatan: The bond degree between the putty coating and the base material is tested by the method of dividing, peeling and stretching.

Ketebalan: The thickness of the putty coating is measured using the coating meter, millimeter ruler and other equipment.

Kekerasan: Use pencil hardness tester, Rockwell hardness tester and other equipment to test the hardness of the putty coating.

Ketahanan aus: uji keausan, scraping test and other methods to test the wear resistance of the putty coating.

Tahan air: through soaking test, spray test and other methods to test the water resistance of the putty coating.

Tahan terhadap cuaca: Through artificial accelerated aging test or natural climate exposure test putty coating under different climatic conditions of anti-aging performance.

Drying time: The drying time of the putty coating is measured by timing.

Resistensi retak: flexural test, freeze-thaw test and other methods to test the cracking resistance of putty coating.

Others: According to the specific types of putty and testing items, choose the appropriate testing methods and equipment for testing, such as testing the coating’s fire resistance, mildew resistance, dll..

North and South tide reminds you: the performance test of putty needs to be carried out in accordance with relevant standards and methods to ensure the accuracy and comparability of test results. Pada saat yang sama, the application range and accuracy of different detection methods are also different, so before the test should be selected appropriate methods and equipment, adequate sample preparation and test scheme design.

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