Penerapan ketebalan lapisan pengujian tak rusak dalam konstruksi lapisan dijelaskan secara rinci

Kualitas dan kinerja lapisan berhubungan langsung dengan ketebalan dan integritas lapisan. Karena itu, it becomes essential to use non-destructive measurement techniques to measure the thickness of the coating and find defects in the coating. Two important areas in this regard areHoliday” Dan “Pinhole” deteksi. “Holidayrefers to the area of missing coating in the coating film, whilePinholeusually refers to the tiny pores in the coating film. To ensure coating quality, we need to be able to detect and fix these issues. To achieve this, A “Holiday”, “Pinhole” atau “sparktest can be used to look for blemishes, scratches and pinholes in the coating film.

Why thePinhole” Dan “Holidaytests

In a multi-coating system, the thickness of each layer should be of concern, especially when each layer has different properties. Misalnya, when the coating system contains an inorganic zinc primer/epoxy intermediate paint/urea resin topcoat, the thickness of each layer should be measured to ensure that it meets the requirements. Especially when the coating is used for immersion services, pinhole testing becomes particularly important. Itu “Holidaytest is usually carried out after the construction of the penultimate or last coat of coating to ensure the quality of the coating.

Non-destructive testing tools and methods
Low voltage wet sponge pinhole detector: suitable for finding discontinuities in non-conductive coatings on conductive metal surfaces. By moving the soaked sponge electrode over the surface, the flow of current through the pinholes to the substrate can be detected. An audible signal is then heard to indicate the presence of a pinhole or discontinuity. This method is suitable for coating thickness of up to 0.51 mm (20juta). For thicker coatings, a non-foaming wetting agent can be added to the water to improve wettability.

High voltageHoliday” detektor: Similar to the low voltage method, but without the use of sponges. The high-voltage detector detects pinholes, missed coating, or missing areas by generating a spark between the electrode and the coating at a high voltage. This method is suitable for coating thickness above 0.51 mm (20juta). High voltage methods are often used for critical applications such as piping.

Penerapan ketebalan lapisan pengujian tak rusak dalam konstruksi lapisan dijelaskan secara rinci

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Precautions and limitations of non-destructive testing
While thePinhole” Dan “Holidaytests were effective at finding problems, there were some limitations. Misalnya, dalam beberapa kasus, pinholes, while visible to the naked eye, may not sound because they have not penetrated the substrate. Di samping itu, detektor mungkin mengeluarkan suara yang menunjukkan adanya ruang kosong, namun nyatanya menimbulkan alarm palsu karena lapisan itu sendiri mungkin bersifat konduktif.

Di bidang konstruksi pelapisan, teknologi pengukuran non-destruktif memainkan peran penting dalam mengukur ketebalan lapisan dan mendeteksi cacat lapisan. Teknologi ini membantu memastikan konsistensi dan kualitas lapisan, sehingga meningkatkan kinerja dan masa pakai produk. Dengan menggunakan cara-cara tersebut dengan benar, produsen dan pembangun dapat lebih memenuhi persyaratan teknis pelapisan, memastikan bahwa pelapisan bekerja dengan baik dalam berbagai kondisi lingkungan.

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