Metodo di prova standard ASTM D1926-2011 per il contenuto di carbossili della cellulosa

Significato e uso

These test methods measure the amount of carboxyl groups present in wood or lint pulp. The carboxyl group represents the surface charge of the pulp, which is a very important amount used in the paper industry.

Metodo di prova standard ASTM D1926-2011 per il contenuto di carbossili della cellulosa

Fare un passo 1: Scopo

1.1 These test methods include the determination of the carboxyl content or ion exchange capacity of cellulose from any source. Two test methods, sodium chloride-sodium bicarbonate method (1) and methylene blue method (2), are described. Test methods need to be used within their limitations, and it needs to be recognized that the accuracy of any method for determining carboxyl groups cannot be determined. In the lower carboxyl group value range, the sodium chloride-sodium bicarbonate method is less accurate. The methylene blue method can be used for the whole range of carboxyl group values. It is particularly useful at low ranges. It is not suitable for the determination of carboxyl groups in soluble carbohydrate materials. Although these test methods can be used to determine the ion exchange capacity of unbleached pulp, residual lignin will lead to uncertain errors, especially sulfonic acid groups in unbleached sulfite pulp (3).

1.2 I valori espressi in unità SI sono considerati valori standard. Nessun'altra unità di misura è inclusa in questo standard.

1.3 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire adeguate pratiche di sicurezza e salute e determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso.

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