Metodo di prova standard ASTM D6801-2015 per misurare la temperatura massima di autoriscaldamento di opere d'arte e altri materiali

Significato e uso

5.1 Questo metodo di prova prevede la tendenza ad accelerare la combustione spontanea del materiale, which can eventually lead to a fire. Suitable for liquids and pastes.

5.2 The spontaneous heating behavior of oil-based materials is affected by the availability of oxygen, the amount of desiccant present, the degree of polymerization of the oil, the surface area of the cellulosic material, the measures taken to prevent heat dissipation, and the amount of oil in contact with the cellulosic material. The degree of spontaneous heating is independent of the type of cellulosic material in contact with the oil-based material or whether the oil-immersed material is first air-dried. Small amounts of contaminants, come la vernice, quartz powder, dirt, or desiccant (Per esempio, materials that may be found on dirty, oil-soaked rags), can act as catalysts for this reaction.

Metodo di prova standard ASTM D6801-2015 per misurare la temperatura massima di autoriscaldamento di opere d'arte e altri materiali

Fare un passo 1: Scopo

1.1 The test method includes a small-scale laboratory procedure to determine the self-heating tendency of oil-based materials exposed to high temperatures in air in a controlled semi-adiabatic system.

1.2 This test method was developed to address the urgent need to identify oil-based materials that may need to be labeled with a tendency to self-heating. Research based on this test method could allow the development of practices to identify such oil-based materials.

1.3 I valori espressi in unità SI sono considerati valori standard. I valori indicati tra parentesi sono solo di riferimento.

1.4 Questo standard non è destinato ad affrontare tutti i problemi di sicurezza, se presente, legati al suo utilizzo. È responsabilità degli utenti di questo standard stabilire adeguate pratiche di sicurezza e salute e determinare l'applicabilità delle restrizioni normative prima dell'uso. Refer to Appendix X1 for specific safety issues related to the treatment of solvent-impregnated rags.

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