Come testare il tempo di asciugatura della vernice architettonica (tavolo asciutto)?

Testare il tempo di essiccazione della pittura architettonica (tavolo asciutto) is to evaluate the drying speed and degree of paint in the construction process, in modo da determinarne l'ambito di applicazione e la qualità costruttiva. If the drying time of the coating is too long or too short, it will affect the beauty and protection performance of the coating surface, so it is necessary to test the drying time to ensure the construction quality. Allo stesso tempo, the subsequent coating construction before the coating surface is not completely dry will also affect the adhesion and durability of the coating.

Come testare il tempo di asciugatura della vernice architettonica (tavolo asciutto)?

Metodo di rilevamento
The drying time (tavolo asciutto) of architectural paint is an index to evaluate its drying speed and drying degree in the construction process. The following are the testing methods and steps for the drying time of architectural coatings:

preparazione del campione: distribuire uniformemente il rivestimento sul campione di prova per garantire lo spessore uniforme del rivestimento, e tagliare il campione di dimensioni adeguate dopo l'essiccazione.

Prova del tempo di asciugatura: record the drying condition of the coating within the specified time after construction, observe the state of the sample surface, such as surface dry, hard dry, eccetera., and drying time.

Follow-up construction test: according to the recommendation of the coating manufacturer, observe the state of the sample before and after surface drying to evaluate the follow-up construction performance and the adhesion and durability of the coating during the construction process.

Come testare il tempo di asciugatura della vernice architettonica (tavolo asciutto)?

Elaborazione dati: By observing the data obtained from the inspection, the drying time of the coating is evaluated, e di solito secondo gli standard pertinenti, la valutazione del rivestimento viene determinata per determinare se il rivestimento soddisfa i requisiti dell'applicazione.

We remind you: different types of paint in the performance of drying time is different, therefore, nella rilevazione vera e propria, according to different paint types and application scenarios, different detection methods and standards should be used to evaluate the drying speed and drying degree of paint in the construction process.

In breve, the detection of drying time of architectural coating is an indispensable work in construction engineering. Attraverso metodi e passaggi di rilevamento ragionevoli, the drying speed and degree of paint in the construction process can be evaluated, and the suitable type and brand of paint can be selected, in modo da garantire la qualità costruttiva e la durata di servizio dell'edificio.

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