Spettrometro portatile a fluorescenza a raggi X Compass300 per analisi rapida delle polveri negli elementi primari e secondari

Utilizzando Compass per la pastigliatura in polvere – 300 – Spettrometro a fluorescenza a raggi X su campioni di polvere P, TiV, In, Cu, zinco, Ga, Rb, sr, N.B, Cs and Ba, La, HF, Zr, Pb, AI2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, Stile MgO, Na2O, amount of SiO2, such as primary and secondary component were determined and optimized the spectral lines, were using the experience coefficient method and the Compton scattering line as internal standard calibration matrix effect validated with national standard substances measured value and standard value Operator, can meet the demand of customer tests

Spettrometro portatile a fluorescenza a raggi X Compass300 per analisi rapida delle polveri negli elementi primari e secondari





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