Indice di prova e metodo di prova dell'olio di pino

L'olio di pino è un olio di resina naturale estratto dagli alberi di pino, chiamato anche retinolo. Ha una buona solubilità, viscosity and stability, and is often used in paint, Rivestimento, rubber and other fields. Inoltre, pine oil can also be used as a cleaning agent and disinfectant, eccetera.

Main performance
The main properties of pine oil are shown in the following table:

PrestazioneIndex of detection
Exterior appearanceColore, trasparenza
Acid numberMg KOH/g
Grado di viscositàmillisecond
Degree of solubilitySolubility in different solvents
Densità di densitàG/ml

These properties can be tested by different chemical analysis methods, physical tests and instrumental tests, Per esempio, acid values can be measured by acid-base titration, viscosity can be measured by viscometer, density can be measured by hydrometer, eccetera.

Indice di prova e metodo di prova dell'olio di pino

Norme pertinenti
The following are some properties and related criteria that pine oil may need to be tested for:

PrestazioneNorme pertinenti
PurezzaGB/T 602-2007
Relative densityGB/T 4472-2011
Indice di rifrazioneGB/T 6488-2008
Flash pointGB/T 261-2008
Acid valueGB/T 5530-2014
ViscositàGB/T 265-1988
UmiditàGB/T 6283-2008

Indice di prova e metodo di prova dell'olio di pino

Metodo di rilevamento
Specific detection methods can be selected according to criteria, ad esempio:

Purezza: Gas cromatografia (GC) can be used to detect the content of various chemical components in pine oil, or infrared spectroscopy (IR) can be used to detect purity.

Relative density: can be measured using equipment such as a densitometer or a specific gravity bottle.

Indice di rifrazione: can be measured using a refractometer.

Flash point: can be measured using closed or open cup method.

Acid value: The acid value can be determined by titration.

Viscosità: can be measured using a viscometer.

Umidità: Halide titration, Coulomb method and other methods can be used to determine moisture content.

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