ASTM D 5087-2021 “揮発性有機食品の量の測定 (VOC) 溶剤ベースの自動車コーティングからの放出と除去量 (削減) voc制御装置内”

4.1 This test method provides basic engineering data that can be used to determine the amount of VOC that can be delivered at the entrance of VOC control equipment (especially for the automotive industry). 6 一般的に, this procedure can be used to determine the amount of VOC produced from the coating in the oven and incinerated, although the same procedure can be followed for other forms of VOC emission reduction (つまり, carbon, adsorption, 等).

4.2 If all key factors (例えば, 温度, cleanliness, vibration, accessibility, 等) can be adequately controlled, the test method may be suitable for direct use in the production environment.

4.3 The total amount of VOC removed from the process by the VOC control device is a function of the available amount given by the test method and the VOC removal efficiency of the control device.

1.1 This test method includes determining the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOC) released from the applied solvent-based automotive paint that can be used for delivery to VOC control equipment. This is achieved by measuring the weight loss of newly coated test plates subjected to solvent evaporation or baking in laboratory simulations of the production process.

1.2 This test method is applicable to VOC released by flash steaming and baking after painting.

1.3 This test method is applicable to solvent-based automotive paint materials and is intended to represent or simulate the production process. The same general principles apply to water-based paints containing volatile organic compounds (VOC), although this article does not provide specific procedure details to distinguish VOC from water.

1.4 この規格はすべてに対処することを目的としたものではありません, もしあれば, その使用に伴う安全性の懸念. 適切な安全性を確立するのは、この規格のユーザーの責任です。, 健康および環境慣行を確認し、使用前に規制制限の適用可能性を判断するため.

1.5 この国際規格は、国際規格開発の原則に関する決定で確立された国際的に認められた標準化原則に基づいています。, WTO貿易の技術的障壁に関する委員会が発行したガイドラインと勧告.
