ASTM G179-2019 自然気候試験用金属白黒パネル温度装置の標準仕様

1.1 This specification provides specific information for the manufacture and use of metal black and white panel temperature devices to measure temperatures to estimate the maximum (black) and minimum maximum (white) temperatures of coated metal specimens during natural aging tests.

1.1.1 The structure of a black or white panel has a significant effect on the indicated temperature. This standard describes the robust construction of the panels studied, which has been shown to provide the highest, most consistent temperatures compared to other black panel structures.

1.2 The specification includes detailed information on design requirements and quantitative measurement techniques that will lead to the correct selection of materials and temperature sensors for black and white panels.

ASTM G179-2019 自然気候試験用金属白黒パネル温度装置の標準仕様

1.3 この規格は、すべての安全上の懸念に対処することを目的としたものではありません, もしあれば, その使用に関連する. 適切な安全性を確立するのは、この規格のユーザーの責任です。, health and environmental practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.

注記 1: There is no equivalent ISO standard describing the selection and use of black panel sensors in natural burn-in testing.

1.4 この国際規格は、国際規格開発の原則に関する決定で確立された国際的に認められた標準化原則に基づいています。, WTO貿易の技術的障壁に関する委員会が発行したガイドラインと勧告.
