탄성중합체 및 플라스틱 본체의 지붕 방수 재료에 대한 ASTM D3105-2017 테스트 방법

의미와 용도
3.1 동일한 기능에 대해 이 색인에 여러 테스트 방법이나 테스트 조건이 나열된 경우, the choice of method and conditions to be followed will need to depend on the experience and requirements in each case, 그리고 구매자와 판매자 사이의 계약. Users of this standard should be reminded that results obtained through different test methods and different test conditions cannot be directly compared.

탄성중합체 및 플라스틱 본체의 지붕 방수 재료에 대한 ASTM D3105-2017 테스트 방법

1.1 The index is for informational purposes only to assist in the selection of procedures and test methods for evaluating sheet and liquid roofing materials (as appropriate). General composition specifications and methods of analysis and raw material testing are not included, and the scope is limited to procedures used to evaluate received materials or finished materials or coatings.

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