ASTM G17-07-2020 Standaard testmethode voor penetratieweerstand van buiscoatings (Stompe staven)

Betekenis en gebruik
3.1 As the pipe coating is subject to concentrated pressure exerted by the weight of the pipe and the backfill, the test is primarily used to determine the resistance of the coating to penetration or deformation under controlled conditions.

3.1.1 If the coating is not penetrated, the deformation of the compressible coating does not indicate a potential defect in the burial service. Deformation is not comparable to penetration of coating.

ASTM G17-07-2020 Standaard testmethode voor penetratieweerstand van buiscoatings (Stompe staven)

1.1 This accelerated test method is used to determine the relative resistance of steel pipe coatings to penetration or deformation of blunt rods under specified loads. This test method is suitable for the test of all kinds of nonmetallic pipe coatings under various temperatures.

1.2 The value expressed in SI units with three significant decimals shall prevail. De waarden tussen haakjes zijn alleen ter referentie.

1.3 Deze standaard is niet bedoeld om iedereen te behandelen, indien aanwezig, veiligheidsproblemen die verband houden met het gebruik ervan. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van de gebruikers van deze norm om de juiste veiligheid te garanderen, gezondheids- en milieupraktijken en om vóór gebruik de toepasbaarheid van wettelijke beperkingen vast te stellen.

1.4 This international standard is based on internationally recognized standardization principles established in the Decision on International Standards, Guidelines and Recommended Principles issued by the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Commissie.

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