Heet koud impacttestmachine acht veiligheidsmaatregelen

Hot and cold impact testing machine eight safety protection measures

Hot and cold impact testing machine although the application range is wide, but many enterprises are not willing to buy, because its price is relatively expensive, so once bought, we should pay attention to maintenance, the following points are introduced:

Hot and cold impact testing machine safety protection measures:

1, hot and cold impact testing machine safe and reliable grounding protection device.

2, power supply undervoltage, gebrek aan fasebescherming.

3, heater short circuit, overload protection.

4, independent studio overtemperature protection.

5, refrigerator overpressure, overload, oil pressure under pressure protection.

6, gasoline, propylene oxide, carbon disulfide and other substances with a ignition point of less than -30 ℃.

7, kerosene, light oil, turpentine, isopentyl alcohol, acetic acid and other substances whose ignition point is above 30 ℃ and below 65 ℃.

8, ordinary ethane, alkene oxide, acetone, benzeen, methyl ethyl ketone and other substances whose ignition point is above -30 ℃ but less than 0 ℃.

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