ISO 10074-2021 Specificatie voor hard geanodiseerde coatings op aluminium en zijn legeringen

ISO (Internationale Organisatie voor Standaardisatie) is een mondiale alliantie van nationale normalisatie-instellingen (ISO-lidorganisaties). De ontwikkeling van internationale normen wordt doorgaans uitgevoerd via technische ISO-commissies. Elke aangesloten instelling die geïnteresseerd is in een onderwerp waarover een technische commissie is opgericht, heeft het recht om in die commissie vertegenwoordigd te zijn. Internationale gouvernementele en niet-gouvernementele organisaties die samenwerken met ISO zijn ook bij dit werk betrokken. ISO werkt nauw samen met de Internationale Elektrotechnische Commissie (IEC) over alle kwesties van elektrotechnische standaardisatie.

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 79, Light Metals and their Alloys, Subcommissie SC 2, Organic and anodized Coatings on Aluminium.

De vierde editie werd geannuleerd en verving de technisch herziene derde editie (ISO 10074:2017). The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

The pre-test wear test number has been added to the grinding wheel wear test as a requirement.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO 10074-2021 Specificatie voor hard geanodiseerde coatings op aluminium en zijn legeringen

Hard anodizing is an electrolytic treatment that forms a hard, often thick coating of alumina, used primarily for engineering purposes.

Hard anodizing can be applied to cast or forged aluminum and aluminum alloys; Echter, alloys and die-cast alloys containing more than 5% copper and/or 8% silicon require special anodizing procedures. In order to obtain better microhardness, wear resistance or low surface roughness characteristics, select low content alloys.

Articles shall be anodized after all heat treatment, machining, welding, molding and punching operations, unless otherwise stated. Better results on machined surfaces. Sharp edges are machined to a radius of at least 10 times the intended thickness to avoidburningand/or flaking.

Hard anodizing usually results in an increase in the size of each surface, equivalent to about 50% of the coating thickness. Indien nodig, the size of the assembly before anodizing will allow this to be done.

The thickness is usually in the range of 25μm to 150μm. Low thickness (up to 25μm) is sometimes used in a variety of applications, such as splines and threads. Normal thickness (50 μm to 80 urn) for wear or insulation requirements. High thickness (150urn) is used for repair purposes, but thick coatings tend to be softer in the outer areas. Very hard coatings reduce fatigue strength. This phenomenon can be minimized by reducing thickness and/or sealing by performing shot peening prior to hard anodizing (see H.6). Hard anodizing tends to increase surface roughness. This can be limited by low alloy content and/or mechanical finishing.

Hard anodized coatings are mainly used to obtain the following:

wear resistance or erosion;

electrical insulation;

Heat insulation;

stacking (repairing parts that exceed machining tolerances or wear parts);

— Corrosieweerstand (when sealed).

1 bereik
This document specifies requirements for hard anodized coatings on aluminium and its alloys, including test methods.

It also specifies the information to be provided by the customer to the anodizer (zie bijlage A).

It is not suitable for coatings produced by plasma electrolytic oxidation, micro-arc oxidation, plasma chemical anodizing, anode spark deposition or spark anodizing processes.

ISO 10074-2021 Specificatie voor hard geanodiseerde coatings op aluminium en zijn legeringen

2 Normatieve verwijzingen
Er wordt in de tekst op zodanige wijze naar de volgende bestanden verwezen dat de inhoud geheel of gedeeltelijk aan de vereisten van dit document voldoet. Voor gedateerde referenties, Versies met alleen citatie zijn van toepassing. Voor ongedateerde referenties, de nieuwe versie van de referentie (inclusief eventuele herzieningen) is van toepassing.

ISO 1463, metaal- en oxidecoatings – Meting van laagdikte – Microscopische methode

ISO 2106, anodizing of aluminium and its alloysDetermination of mass per unit area (surface density) of anodized coatingsGravimetric method

ISO 2360, Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetically conductive base metals – Meting van laagdikte – amplitude sensitive eddy current method

ISO 2376, anodizing of aluminium and its alloysdetermination of breakdown voltage and voltage resistance

ISO 4516, Metallische en andere anorganische coatings — Vickers en Knower microhardheidstests

ISO 6344-1, coated abrasivesParticle size analysis – Deel 1: particle size distribution test

ISO 7583, anodizing of aluminium and its alloys – termen en definities

ISO 8251, Anodizing of aluminium and its alloysMeasurement of the wear resistance of anodized coatings

ISO 9227, Corrosion testing in artificial atmospheressalt spray testing

3 Termen en definities
Voor de doeleinden van dit document, de termen en definities gegeven in ISO 7583 en de volgende artikelen zijn van toepassing.

3.1 A Lot

Work together on items of the same nominal composition and temper

3.2 Batch acceptance test

Test production lot (3.1) to determine compliance with specified requirements

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