Belangrijkste prestaties van behangcoating en de detectiemethode ervan

Behangcoating is een soort coating die op muren wordt aangebracht, meestal samengesteld uit polymeren, pigmenten en additieven, whose main role is to improve the color, texture and protection performance of the wallpaper surface. They can be applied to all kinds of indoor walls, such as residential, office, shopping mall, hotel, enz., with rich colors, good durability and easy cleaning, enz., while improving the beauty and service life of the wall. Wallpaper paint usually has a variety of effects, such as matte, bright light, metaal, verf, stone, enz., suitable for a variety of interior decoration styles and needs.

Test of performance

Naam van prestatieTe gebruiken apparatuur
Dry film thicknessDiktemeter
Sterkte van spanningTrekproefmachine
Verlenging bij breukTrekproefmachine
Weerstand tegen slijtageSlijtagetestmachine
Temperature resistanceHigh and low temperature test chamber
Bestand tegen chemicaliënChemische tester

Belangrijkste prestaties van behangcoating en de detectiemethode ervan

Stap van detectie
Dry film thickness: Use a thickness gauge to measure the dry film thickness of the wallpaper coating, noteer de gemeten waarde en bereken de gemiddelde waarde.

Tensile strength and elongation at break: tensile tests were carried out using a tensile testing machine, test data were recorded and tensile strength and elongation at break were calculated.

Waterbestendigheid: Use a water circulation device to place the wallpaper paint in water, record the time and observe the change of the coating.

Slijtvastheid: Slijtagetests zijn uitgevoerd met behulp van een slijtagetestmachine, testgegevens werden geregistreerd en de slijtvastheid werd berekend.

Temperature resistance: use high and low temperature test box to simulate different temperature environment, observe the change of wallpaper coating.

Chemische weerstand: Use a chemical tester to test the chemical resistance of wallpaper coatings.

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