Belangrijkste eigenschappen van waterdichte coatings en hun detectiemethoden

Waterdichte coating is een soort coating met waterdichte prestaties, which can effectively prevent water penetration and water damage on the coating surface. Waterproof coating is widely used in building roof, kelder, toilet, swimming pool, water tank and other buildings waterproof, moisture-proof and maintenance protection. Its performance has excellent water resistance, weather resistance and corrosion resistance, enz., can provide comprehensive protection and maintenance for buildings.

Test performance and instruments
The following are the key performances of waterproof coatings to be tested and the instruments and equipment to be used:

Factor of performanceInstrumenten en uitrusting
Water resistance propertyWater resistance test equipment
Pollution resistance performancePollutant attachment performance testing equipment
Kracht van hechtingAdhesion test equipment
WeersbestendigheidSpectrale stralingstestkamer, xenonlamp verouderingstestkamer
Seismic resistance performanceSeismic performance test equipment
Dikte van dikteDikte meetinstrument
Kleur en glansColorimeter, glans meter

Belangrijkste eigenschappen van waterdichte coatings en hun detectiemethoden

Stap van detectie
The following is the performance of waterproof coating to be tested and its detection steps:

Waterbestendigheid: Use water resistance test equipment to test the water resistance of the coating.

Pollution resistance: The pollution resistance of the coating is tested using the pollutant attachment performance testing equipment.

Belangrijkste eigenschappen van waterdichte coatings en hun detectiemethoden

Hechting: Use adhesion testing equipment to test the adhesion of the paint.

Weersbestendigheid: Use spectral radiation test chamber or xenon lamp aging test chamber to test the weather resistance of the coating.

Seismic performance: Use seismic performance testing equipment to test the seismic performance of the coating.

Dikte: Use the thickness tester to test the thickness of the coating and record the test results.

Kleur en glans: Test with colorimeter and gloss meter under standard light source.

Voor enkele speciale coatings, het kan nodig zijn om voor het testen andere instrumenten en apparatuur te gebruiken, en de specifieke bedieningsstappen zullen anders zijn.

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