ISO 2493-1-221 “Papel e cartão – Determinação da flexão – Papel 1: Taxa de deflexão constante”

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ISO 2493-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 6, Papel, Board and Pulp, Subcomitê SC 2, Test methods and Quality Specifications for paper and board.

The first version, junto com a ISO 2493-2, cancelou e substituiu a ISO tecnicamente revisada 2493:1992. In the revised version, ISO 2493:1992 is divided into two parts due to different measurement principles. Esta parte da ISO 2493 describes a constant deflection rate, e ISO 2493-2 describes the Taber type tester. The part can also use a smaller bend length and a lower bend Angle if desired. Added optional computations in index form. A precise note has been added to the informative annex A.

ISO 2493 consists of the following parts under the general heading Paper and BoardDetermination of Bending resistance:

— Papel 1: Taxa de deflexão constante

— Papel 2: Tabor tester

ISO 2493-1-221 “Papel e cartão – Determinação da flexão – Papel 1: Taxa de deflexão constante”

In ISO 2493:1992, two principles for determining bending resistance are incorporated into the same standard, although the two principles are very different.

One principle involves deflecting the same number of specimens with relative surfaces in the direction of deflection; Esta parte da ISO 2493 describes this principle.

Another principle uses a Taber-type tester, in which the specimen is inserted and deflected to the top, and then deflected in the opposite direction without altering the specimen. This principle is described in ISO 2493-2. This method is based on TAPPI test method T 489 om-04[4].

1 faixa
Esta parte da ISO 2493 specifies procedures based on the two-point loading principle for determining the flexural resistance of paper and board.

Observação 1 Veja ISO 5628[1] for a detailed explanation of the two-point loading principle.

Esta parte da ISO 2493 is suitable for measurement of bending resistance in the range 20 mN to 10 000 mN. It does not work with corrugated board, but it can work with components of such board.

The bending Angle is 15° and the bending length is 50 milímetros.

For samples where the bending resistance is too low to measure a bending length of 50 milímetros, a shorter bending length of 10 mm can be used.

Important noteResults obtained with different bending lengths will not be comparable.

For boards that tend to permanently deform when bent at 15°, a semi-bending Angle of 7,5 ° can be used.

Note 2Taber type tester and tester using the principle of constant deflection cannot give comparable results. Portanto, ISO 2493:1992 is divided into two parts.

2 referências normativas
Os seguintes documentos de referência não estão disponíveis ou não estão disponíveis para uso neste documento. Para referências datadas, versões somente para citações se aplicam. Para referências sem data, a nova versão da referência (incluindo quaisquer revisões) aplica-se.

ISO 186, Papel e cartão — Sampling to determine average quality

ISO 187, Papel, placa e polpa — Atmosferas padrão para condicionamento e testes e procedimentos para monitorar atmosferas de amostras e condicionamento

ISO 536, papel e cartão – Determinação do peso em gramas

3 Termos e definições
Para efeitos deste documento, os seguintes termos e definições se aplicam.

3.1 Bending force

The force required to bend a rectangular specimen with one end clamped, measured under the conditions specified in this part of ISO 2493

3.2 Resistência à flexão

The average of all valid readings of the measured bending force (3.1) calculated as specified in this part of ISO 2493

Observação 1: Flexure is expressed in Newtons or millinewtons.

3.3 Comprimento de flexão

The radial distance between the fixture and the position of force applied on the sample under test is constant

Observação 1: See l in Figure 1.

3.4 Bending Angle

The Angle of rotation of the fixture as it moves from its initial position to the position where bending resistance is measured

3.5 Free Length

The total length of the specimen protruding from the fixture

Observação 1: See L in Figure 1.

3.6 flexural index

Bending resistance divided by gram weight to the third power

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