ISO 6713-1984 “Preparação de extratos ácidos de laca na forma líquida ou em pó” para tintas e vernizes

Um Prefácio
ISO (Organização Internacional para Padronização) é uma aliança global de organismos nacionais de normalização (Órgãos membros da ISO). O desenvolvimento de padrões internacionais é geralmente realizado através de comitês técnicos ISO. Cada instituição membro interessada em um assunto sobre o qual tenha sido estabelecido um comitê técnico tem o direito de ser representada no comitê. Organizações internacionais governamentais e não-governamentais que colaboram com organizações de normalização também estão envolvidas neste trabalho.

Draft international standards adopted by technical committees are circulated to member bodies for approval before they are accepted as international standards by the ISO Council. They are approved according to ISO procedures that require at least 75% approval by voting member institutions.

A norma internacional ISO 6713 was developed by the Technical committee ISO/TC 35 (Tintas e vernizes).

ISO 6713 was first published in 1980. The second edition cancelled and replaced the first edition, which constituted a technical revision.

ISO 6713-1984 “Preparação de extratos ácidos de laca na forma líquida ou em pó” para tintas e vernizes

Scope and field of application
This standard describes the preparation of acid extracts as test solutions for the determination of the “solúvel” metal content of paints and related products in liquid or powder form.

Acid extracts were prepared in 0,07 mol/l hydrochloric acid, which was chosen as an approximation of the acid in the stomach.

This standard does not apply to dried or crushed paint films (veja ISO 6714).

Aviso – The procedures described in this standard are complex and should therefore be performed by personnel with appropriate experience in these analytical procedures. Sufficient accuracy can only be obtained if all details of the separation and extraction procedures are strictly followed.

2 Materiais de referência
ISO 1042, Laboratory glasswareSingle-labeled volumetric flasks.

ISO 1512, Tintas e vernizes — Amostragem.

ISO 1513, Tintas e vernizes — Exame e preparação de amostras de teste.

ISO 3696, laboratory water use — Especificação. 1)

ISO 3856, Tintas e vernizes – Determinação de “solúvel” conteúdo metálico.

ISO 6714, Paints and varnishes-Preparation of acid extracts from dry films.

ISO 6713-1984 “Preparação de extratos ácidos de laca na forma líquida ou em pó” para tintas e vernizes

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply.

3.1 Pigmentos

All particulate matter was insoluble in the selected extraction solvent (6.2).

3.2 “Solublemetal content of liquid coatings

The metal content of the pigment soluble in a specified dilute acid plus the total metal content present in the liquid part of the paint.

Observação 1: The dilute acid defined in this standard is 0.07mol/l hydrochloric acid.

3.3 “Solublemetal content of paint in powder form

Metal content of paints soluble in specified dilute acids (Veja a nota 3.2).

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