
Button keyboard life testing machine is suitable for key switch, computer keyboard, conductive rubber, metal shrapnel key (commonly known as pot) or the same type of life aging test, USES the advanced programmer life test process control buttons, can conduct life test and conducting tests at the same time, key damage automatic stop, alwaysconductionor object to be tested is alwaysno conduction, the machine will stop running in 8 секунды.

Button keyboard life testing machine

Технические характеристики:
1. Number of test products: 1ПКС
2, counter: 8 bit, power off memory
3. Stretching stroke of test head: 0-20мм
4. Тест скорости: 0-300 раз/мин
5. Strike switch contact force: 0-500gf adjustable
6. Lifting platform stroke: 60мм
7. Размер машины: about W500 D420 H760mm
8. Вес машины: about 90Kg
9. Источник питания: AC220V 5A

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