Вертикальный флуоресцентный спектрометр EDX8800 MAX использовался для быстрого определения содержания ванадия в почве., коричневый корунд и белый корунд

Огнеупоры — это класс промышленного сырья, используемого при высоких температурах., химическая коррозия и другие суровые рабочие среды, widely used in steel, Цветные металлы, стекло, цемент, керамика, нефтехимический, техника, котлы, легкая промышленность, электроэнергия, military and other fields of the national economy, is to ensure the production of the above industry operation and technological development of essential basic materials, in the development of high temperature industrial production plays an important role The important role of replaceable. Although in different fields and specific applications, the type and performance of refractories are very different, different kinds of refractories have their own unique properties, а вообще, refractories need to have some of the following important properties: high temperature stability: refractories need to maintain structural stability at high temperature for a long time, do not produce brittle rupture and oxidation corrosion; Chemical erosion resistance, refractories need to have the ability to resist the erosion and corrosion of various chemical substances to ensure long-term use in special media, excellent mechanical strength: refractories need to have high strength and toughness, can withstand the impact of mechanical shock and thermal demand and other factors; Хорошая термостойкость, refractories need to have a certain thermal shock safety factor, to avoid thermal shock damage due to sharp temperature changes; Good thermal conductivity and heat insulation: refractories need to be able to properly conduct heat or isolate heat sources, so as to maintain the temperature stability of the surrounding environment of the equipment; Good cohesiveness and workability: refractories need to have good plasticity and cohesiveness, which is easy to manufacture and process into various shapes, sizes and structures.

As important non-metallic mineral resources, refractory vanadium, brown corundum and white corundum play an important role in industrial production. They are widely used in metallurgy, строительные материалы, химическая индустрия, machinery manufacturing and other fields. Однако, in its processing and application process, some impurities will be doped, which will affect the quality and service life of the material.
Вертикальный флуоресцентный спектрометр EDX8800 MAX использовался для быстрого определения содержания ванадия в почве., коричневый корунд и белый корунд

As a kind of high temperature material, fire-resistant mature vanadium soil has excellent high temperature resistance and is often used in iron and steel industry. In its production and use, it is necessary to remove some impurities. Например, the physical properties and high temperature oxidation resistance of the material that the metal elements such as iron, Qin, and bear in refractory cooked keshi will shadow. Кроме того, mineral impurities such as quartz and calcite will also affect the fire resistance and thermal conductivity of the material, seriously affecting the service life of the material.

Brown King is a kind of high hardness, high density exciting grinding material, often used in materials, abrasives and other fields, but it will be affected by some impurities in the morning. Например, the dyes in Kangwang mainly include Ca, мг, Co and other elements, and these elements will affect the physical and mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of the material. Кроме того, impurities in brown corundum include quartz, dolomite and calcite. These minerals will affect the wear resistance, toughness and strength of brown corundum, reducing the quality of the material.

Baigang Wang is also an important non-metallic mineral resources, often in abrasives, керамика, chemicals and other fields. But in the process of its production and application, it will also be affected by similar dyes. Например, the main chemicals in Baigang Wang are aluminum, кальций, магний, натрий и другие элементы, and doping these elements will affect the physical and mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of the material. Кроме того, impurities such as quartz kimono clay will also affect the color and transparency of the white Kong king, shadow its application in the field of sea and optics. В итоге, it is very important to eliminate the dye in important materials such as refractory mature woven soil, brown Gang Wang and white Gang Wang. Only by reducing the existence of impurities as much as possible, can the quality and service life of materials be guaranteed, and the technical level and industrial competitiveness of related fields be further improved.

Вертикальный флуоресцентный спектрометр EDX8800 MAX использовался для быстрого определения содержания ванадия в почве., коричневый корунд и белый корунд

The E 800 optical channel instrument of ES InFES focuses on qualitative and quantitative analysis of the main, trace and trace elements or compounds of various materials. It is widely used in: alloy materials, драгоценные металлы, iron ore powder, non-ferrous metals and powders, gold treatment, Rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of raw materials and finished products such as metal and non-time material fire materials, fire raw materials, белый порошок, гипс, catalyst, фарфор, цемент, лайм, glass industry, кварц, длинный, кальцит, глина, минеральная вата, земля, national waste, dust ash, red Ni, powder medium ash, rare earth permanent magnet, petroleum oil products, slag and other production materials and chemical composition of finished products, rapid and accurate, non-destructive and efficient environmental protection, No acid domain chemicals. As a high performance vertical high performance line to line material analyzer, the EDx2800% L is equipped with a high power line excitation system, coupled with a high count rate and high resolution ESDD detector, it provides excellent linear dynamic range for higher accuracy process and quality control in refractorables.

EDX8800MMAX has equipped with electric refrigeration Peltier FSDD silicon drift detector not only have excellent short-term repeatability and reproducibility for a long time, и иметь превосходное пиковое разрешение элемента; Может одновременно анализировать состав элементов и оксидов; Специальная конструкция светового пути и вакуумной системы значительно увеличила количество более легких элементов. (Уже, мг, Ал, И, п) проверка чувствительности и точности. Может быть одновременно оснащен азотной системой., осуществить прямое испытание образцов жидкости и порошка; Восемь видов системы коллимации оптического пути, в зависимости от размера выборки автоматически переключается, также можно тестировать образцы разного положения и усреднения, уменьшить ошибку неоднородности образца, вызванную; HD встроенная камера, четко отображать детали испытательного образца прибора. Возможность переноски платформы для центрифугирования образцов., увеличить зону обнаружения образца, улучшить точность и точность тестирования, и т. д., can help select higher performance of refractory materials.The grass

The following is the test report of EDX8800M MAX test of cooked vanadium, коричневый корунд и белый корунд:

Вертикальный флуоресцентный спектрометр EDX8800 MAX использовался для быстрого определения содержания ванадия в почве., коричневый корунд и белый корунд



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