ASTM B490-2014 Standard Practice for Ductility Micrometer Bending Tests by Electrodeposition

Значење и употреба

4.1 This practice may be used as a method of controlling certain electroplating solutions. It is used to indicate the presence of pollution or some other adverse condition.

4.2 Ductility measurement is of particular value when electroplated parts are subjected to moderate stresses, such as when electroplated bumpers are bolted to a car or exposed to a wide range of fluctuating temperatures (thermal shock).

ASTM B490-2014 Standard Practice for Ductility Micrometer Bending Tests by Electrodeposition

Корак 1: Обим

1.1 This practice describes procedures for measuring the ductility of electrodeposited foils. 2

1.2 This practice is only applicable to the evaluation of electrical deposits with low ductility.

1.3 The ductility value obtained can only be considered semi-quantitative because the test has a significant operator dependence.

1.4 This practice is most applicable to internal process control, where measurements are always taken by the same operator. Changes in the ductility value can be used as an indication of possible changes in an electroplating solution.

1.5 Вредности изражене у СИ јединицама ће се третирати као стандардне вредности. Никакве друге мерне јединице нису укључене у овај стандард.

1.6 This standard is not intended to address safety concerns, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успоставе одговарајуће безбедносне и здравствене праксе и да утврде применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

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