ASTM B499-2021Test Method for Measuring the Thickness of Unmagnetized Coatings on Magnetic Base Metal Materials by Magnetization

Смисао и сврха
5.1 The thickness of the coating is usually of great importance to its performance. For most nonferrous metal coating on the steel, magnetic method for nondestructive measurement of coating thickness is reliable, suitable for specification acceptance testing and SPC/SQC application.

5.2 this test method is not applied to determine the thickness of electrodeposited nickel coating on steel. Метода испитивања Б530 је погодна за ово одређивање.

ASTM B499-2021Test Method for Measuring the Thickness of Unmagnetized Coatings on Magnetic Base Metal Materials by Magnetization

The scope of
1.1 the test methods include the use of magnetic equipment for black metal or other non-magnetic coating thickness on the magnetic base metal nondestructive measurement. It is intended to complement the manufacturer’s instructions for the operation of the instruments and is not intended to replace them.

Белешка 1: contains more than 8% phosphorus autocatalytic deposition ni-p alloy with sufficient non-magnetic, as long as the measured before any heat treatment, can use this kind of test methods for measuring.

1.2 these instruments measure the magnets and magnetic attraction between parent metal, affected by the presence of coating (класификовано као “магнетно повлачење”), or the change of the magnetic flux density inside probe (класификовано као “електронски”). Ови инструменти не могу разликовати дебљину појединачних слојева. They can only measure the probe the cumulative thickness, and all layers below until the base metal.

ASTM B499-2021Test Method for Measuring the Thickness of Unmagnetized Coatings on Magnetic Base Metal Materials by Magnetization

1.3 Measurements made according to this test method will comply with the requirements of ISO International Standard 2178.

1.4 јединице – to SI units shall be deemed to be standard. The values given in the brackets are for reference only.

1.5 Овај стандард није намењен решавању свих безбедносних питања, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успостави одговарајућу безбедност, здравствене и еколошке праксе и да се утврди применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

1.6 this international standard is the technical barriers to trade, according to the world trade organization committee issuedabout setting international standards, guidelines and recommendations of the decision of the principle ofthe establishment of the internationally recognized principles of standardization.

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