АСТМ Д 1006-2021 “Outdoor Exposure Test for Paint on Wood

Значење и сврха
4.1 The procedures described in this practice are intended to help evaluate the performance of house and decorative paints on new, previously unpainted wood.

4.2 Due to differences in solar radiation, wet time, температура, contaminants, and other factors, the relative durability of paint during outdoor exposure may vary considerably depending on the location of the exposure. Стога, it cannot be assumed that the results of a single exposure at a single location will help determine the relative durability of different locations. Exposure is recommended at multiple sites with different climates that represent a wide range of expected service conditions.

4.2.1 Due to annual climate variability, the results of a single exposure test cannot be used to predict the absolute rate of material degradation. It takes several years of repeated exposure to obtain anaveragetest result for a given location.

4.2.2 Solar radiation varies greatly with the time of year. This can lead to large differences in apparent degradation rates for many coatings. It is not recommended to compare results for materials exposed for a short period of time (less than one year) unless the materials were exposed at the same location at the same time.

4.2.3 It is recommended to conduct at least three repeated tests for each material. Based on the parameters of the known material, a statistical estimate of the number of required repetitions can be found in Practice E122.

4.3 The Meaning and Uses section in Practice G7 addresses many of the variables to be considered in external exposure testing.

АСТМ Д 1006-2021 “Outdoor Exposure Test for Paint on Wood

1.1 This practice covers the procedures to be followed for direct exposure of previously unpainted wood and wood composites to house and decorative paints. When the sponsor actual exposure of the aging test is carried out by a separate agency, the specific conditions for testing and controlling the exposure of the specimen should be clearly defined and mutually agreed upon by the parties.

1.2 This standard covers sample preparation, including the application of test coatings to wood substrates.

1.3 Values expressed in SI units or inch-pound units should be treated separately as standard values. The values specified in each system are not necessarily the same; Стога, to ensure compliance with the standards, each system should be used independently of each other and the values of the two systems should not be combined.

1.4 Овај стандард није намењен решавању свих безбедносних питања, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успостави одговарајућу безбедност, здравствене и еколошке праксе и да се утврди применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

1.5 Овај међународни стандард је развијен у складу са међународно признатим принципима стандардизације утврђеним у Одлуци о принципима за израду међународних стандарда., Смернице и препоруке које је издао Комитет за техничке баријере у трговини Светске трговинске организације.

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