ASTM D3003-01-2022 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Indentation and Adhesion of Organic Coatings on Substrates

The test method covers procedures for determining pressure spots and adhesion or anti-adhesion properties of organic coatings applied to coil coated or factory coated metal substrates prior to fabrication. The coated metal is cut into at least four and, recommended, six sheets of suitable size, which are then placed under a specified pressure and temperature for a specified period of time. After stopping heating and cooling the sample, the sample was checked for any signs of adhesion or blocking and blotching.

ASTM D3003-01-2022 Standard Test Method for Resistance to Indentation and Adhesion of Organic Coatings on Substrates

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1.1 This test method includes determination of pressure spots and adhesion or resistance to adhesion of organic coatings applied to coil coated or factory coated metals prior to manufacture.

1.2 Values expressed in SI units are treated as standards. Вредности дате у заградама су само за референцу.

1.3 Овај стандард није намењен решавању свих безбедносних питања, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успоставе одговарајућу безбедност, здравствене и еколошке праксе и да се утврди применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

1.4 This international Standard has been developed in accordance with the internationally accepted standardization principles established in the decisions of the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (ТБТ) of the World Trade Organization on the Formulation of International standards, guidelines and recommended principles.

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