ASTM D4707-17 Standard Test Method for Measuring Splash Resistance of Coatings during Roll Application

Значење и употреба

4.1 The paint splatter produced by roller application depends on the paint applied and the nature of the paint roller cover used for the application. In order to eliminate the effect of the paint drum cover as a variable, and therefore limit the sputtering induced variable only to the paint under test, the paint drum cover is replaced by a standard roller with a notch to produce sputtering through a mechanical device that simulates a mechanical drum. Paint drum cover.

4.2 Although much of the development to establish this test method has been carried out using latex paint, enough work has been done to demonstrate its suitability for solvent-reducible coatings.

4.3 Tests during the development of this test method have shown that, like other physical properties, the splash characteristics of coatings may change over time. Стога, the results of this test are valid only while the test is running.

ASTM D4707-17 Standard Test Method for Measuring Splash Resistance of Coatings during Roll Application

Корак 1: Обим

1.1 The test method includes determining the tendency of the paint roller to splash when applied to the substrate.

1.2 Овај стандард није намењен да реши све безбедносне проблеме, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успоставе одговарајуће безбедносне и здравствене праксе и да утврде применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

1.3 Овај међународни стандард је заснован на међународно признатим принципима стандардизације утврђеним у “Одлука о принципима за развој међународних стандарда, Смернице и препоруке” issued by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (ТБТ) Комитет.

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