ASTM D5590-2017 Standard Test Method for Determining Resistance of Paint Film and Related Coatings to Fungal Fouling by Accelerated Four-Week AGAR Plate Assay

Значење и употреба

4.1 Contamination of paints and coatings by fungal growth (mold, mildew) is a common phenomenon, and algal growth contamination can also occur under certain conditions. It is well known that differences in environment, light, температура, влажност, substrate pH and other factors, in addition to the paint combination, can affect the sensitivity of a given painted surface. This test method attempts to provide a way to compare and evaluate the relative properties of different coating formulations under given conditions. This does not mean that a coating that resists growth under these conditions will necessarily resist growth in real-world applications. This method is not intended to simulate or substitute for indoor or outdoor exposure to paint film or related coatings.

Белешка 1: The rankings for relative performance of hope are similar to those for outdoor exposure. Coatings designated for use under external conditions should be pretreated by accelerated weathering in a laboratory prior to exposure to fungi. All pre-processing needs to be detailed in the final report. Међутим, this test method should not be used as a substitute for external exposure (тј. D3456) because many other factors, only some of which are listed, can affect these results.

4.2 Familiarity with microbial technology is required. People without at least basic microbiological training should not use this test method.

ASTM D5590-2017 Standard Test Method for Determining Resistance of Paint Film and Related Coatings to Fungal Fouling by Accelerated Four-Week AGAR Plate Assay

Корак 1: Обим

1.1 The test method includes an accelerated method for determining the relative resistance of two or more paints or coatings to fungal growth.

1.2 Вредности изражене у СИ јединицама сматрају се стандардним. Вредности дате у заградама су само за референцу.

1.3 Овај стандард није намењен да реши све безбедносне проблеме, ако их има, повезана са његовом употребом. Одговорност корисника овог стандарда је да успоставе одговарајућу безбедност, здравствене и еколошке праксе и да се утврди применљивост регулаторних ограничења пре употребе.

1.4 Овај међународни стандард је заснован на међународно признатим принципима стандардизације утврђеним у “Одлука о принципима за развој међународних стандарда, Смернице и препоруке” издао Комитет за техничке баријере у трговини (ТБТ) Светске трговинске организације.

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