ИСО 12870-2016 Ophthalmic optical frames Requirements and test methods

ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) је глобални савез националних тела за стандардизацију (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Свака институција чланица заинтересована за предмет за који је основан технички комитет има право да буде заступљена у тој комисији. Међународне владине и невладине организације које су у вези са ИСО такође су укључене у овај посао. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електричне стандардизације.

Процедуре које се користе за израду овог документа и оне које се користе за даље одржавање описане су у Делу 1 ИСО/ИЕЦ директиве. Нарочито, треба обратити пажњу на различите критеријуме одобрења који су потребни за различите типове ИСО докумената. This document has been drafted in accordance with the editing rules of ISO/IEC Directive Part 2 (види исо.орг/дирецтивес).

Please note that certain elements of this document may be subject to patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патената. Details of any patent rights identified during the preparation of the document will be found in the introduction and/or in the list of patent claims received by ISO (see iso.org/patents).

ИСО 12870-2016 Ophthalmic optical frames Requirements and test methods

Any trade names used in this document are provided for the convenience of the user and do not constitute an endorsement.

For a description of the meaning of specific ISO terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, and for information on ISO’s compliance with WTO principles in Technical Barriers to Trade (ТБТ), please see the following URL: ForewordSupplementary information

The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 172, Optics and Photonics, Subcommittee SC 7, Ophthalmic Optics and Instrumentation.

The fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ИСО 12870:2012), which was technically revised with the following changes:

8.8 and Appendix C are now included in more specific standards (ИСО/ТС 24348:2014 and EN 16128:2015, редом) and are now included as appropriate references to this international standard (види 4.2.3 and Annex C).

ИСО 12870-2016 Ophthalmic optical frames Requirements and test methods

1 Домет
This standard specifies the basic requirements for unglazed frames designed for use with all prescription lenses. It applies to the framework of the manufacturer or supplier’s point of sale to the retailer.

This international standard applies to all types of frames, including frameless frames, semi-frameless frames and folding frames. It is also suitable for spectacle frames made of natural organic materials.

Note For recommendations on the design of eyeglasses frames, see Annex A.

This standard does not apply to complete custom spectacle frames or products specifically designed to provide individual eye protection.

2 Normative references
All or part of the following documents are referred to normatively in this document and are required for their application. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, a new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ISO 105-A02, текстила – Color fastness testingPart A02: Grayscale for evaluating color changes

ISO 105-B02, текстила – Testing for colour fastnessPart B02: Colour fastness to artificial light: xenon arc fading lamp test

ИСО 12870-2016 Ophthalmic optical frames Requirements and test methods

ИСО 3696, analytical laboratory water – Спецификације и методе испитивања

ИСО 7998, Ophthalmic opticsSpectacle framesList of equivalent terms and vocabulary

ИСО 8596, Ophthalmic opticsvisual acuity testStandard visual patterns and their presentation

ИСО 8624:2011, Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle framesMeasuring systems and terminology

ИСО 11380, optics and optical instrumentsOphthalmic opticsmolding machines

ИСО 11381, optics and optical instrumentsophthalmic opticsthread

ИСО/ТС 24348:2014, Ophthalmic opticsFramesMethods for wear simulation and nickel release detection of metal and composite frames

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 7998 и ИСО 8624 and the following provisions apply.

3.1 Eyeglass frame model

The frames are manufactured according to a universal design, using the same materials (but not necessarily the same pigmentation) and finish

3.2 Natural organic materials

Materials that are not synthesized from other organic raw materials remain essentially in their original state when processed

Белешка 1: In this context, processing is defined as cutting, forming, laminating, gluing, савијање, polishing and heating.

Example: Natural horn, bamboo and wood.

3.3 Customize spectacle frames

Eyeglasses frames specially tailored for designated patients

Example: eyeglass frames made specifically for wearers with unusual facial features.

Јаван је само одељак са стандардним информацијама. Да бисте видели цео садржај, морате купити стандард преко званичних канала.

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