ИСО 2178-2016 “Magnetic method for measuring the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates

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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 107, Metals and other inorganic Coatings.

The third edition cancels and replaces the technically revised second edition (ИСО 2178:1982).

ИСО 2178-2016 “Magnetic method for measuring the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates

1 Обим
This standard specifies a of magnetization on the base metal is magnetized method for nondestructive measurement of coating thickness.

In a typical coating, and non-destructive measurement is touch. The probe or instrument with an integrated probe is placed directly on the coating to be tested. The coating thickness is displayed on the instrument.

In this standard, the term “боје” for such as paint and varnish, plating coating, enamel, боје, plastic paint, powder coating, coating materials, итд.

Note that this method can also be used to measure magnetic base metal or other materials on the magnetizable coating (see ISO 2361).

2 Normative references
All or some of the following documents are referenced normatively in this document. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, the new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 2064, Метални и други неоргански премази – Definitions and practices relating to thickness measurement

ИСО 4618, Боје и лакови — Terms and definitions

ИСО 5725-1:1994, Прецизност (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Парт 1: General principles and definitions

ISO/IEC Guide 98-3, Uncertainty in measurement – Парт 3: Guide for the representation of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995)

ИСО 2178-2016 “Magnetic method for measuring the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 2064 и ИСО 4618 and the following shall apply.

3.1 Adjustment of the measurement system
A set of operations performed on a measuring system so that it provides a prescribed indication corresponding to a given value of the quantity to be measured

Белешка 1: the adjustment of the measuring system can include a zero point adjustment, migration and range adjustment (sometimes called gain adjustment).

Белешка 2: Adjustment of a measurement system should not be confused with calibration, which is a prerequisite for adjustment.

Белешка 3: After adjusting the measuring system, it should usually be recalibed-calibrated.

Белешка 4: in popular culture, the termcalibrationis often mistakenly used, rather than the termadjust”. Similarly, the termsverification” и “инспекција” are often used in place of the correct termcalibration”.

[Извор: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 3.11 (also known asVIM”), modifiedentry note 4 has been added.

ИСО 2178-2016 “Magnetic method for measuring the thickness of non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates

3.2 Калибрација
Under the specified conditions, the first step, the measurement uncertainty in measurement standards provide the number of values and the related measurement uncertainty of corresponding instructions to establish relations between operation, and in the second step USES this information to establish relations to get instructions from the measured results

Белешка 1: Calibration can be expressed in terms of sentences, calibration functions, calibration graphs, calibration curves or calibration tables. In some cases, it may include an additive or multiplicative correction for an indication with associated measurement uncertainty.

Белешка 2: Calibration should not be confused with the adjustment of the measurement system (often erroneously referred to asself-calibration”), nor with calibration verification.

Remark 3: Typically, the first step in the above definition is itself considered calibration.

[Извор: ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.39 (also known asVIM”)]

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