ИСО 3549-1995 “Zinc powder pigments for paints — Спецификације и методе испитивања”

ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) је глобална федерација националних тела за стандардизацију (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Each member group interested in a subject on which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on the Committee. Governmental and non-governmental international organizations liaising with ISO are also involved in this effort. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електричне стандардизације.

The draft international standards adopted by the Technical Committee will be circulated to member bodies for voting. Публикација као међународни стандард захтева одобрење са најмање гласова 75% of the member body.

Међународни стандард ИСО 3549 was developed by the Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Боје и лакови, Subcommittee SC 2, Pigments and Increments.

The second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ИСО 3549:1976), which has been technically revised.

ИСО 3549-1995 “Zinc powder pigments for paints — Спецификације и методе испитивања”

1 Обим примене
This international standard specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for zinc powder pigments suitable for protective coatings.

2 Normative reference files

The following standards contain provisions which, by reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this International standard. At the time of publication, the version shown is valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties to an agreement based on this international standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest versions of the following standards. IEC and ISO members maintain a register of international standards currently in force.

ИСО 565:1990, Nominal dimensions for openings of test screenswire cloths, perforated metal sheets and electrocast sheets.

ИСО 594-1:1986, tapered joints of 6 per cent taper (luhr) for use in syringes, needles and certain other medical devices – Парт 1: General requirements.

ИСО 842:1984, Raw Materials for paints and varnishesSampling.

– ИСО 3696:1987, Analytical laboratory waterSpecification and test methods.

ИСО 3549-1995 “Zinc powder pigments for paints — Спецификације и методе испитивања”

3 Дефиниција
For the purposes of this international standard, the following definitions apply.

3.1 Zinc powder pigment

A fine gray powder of basically spherical particles, composed mainly of metallic zinc.

Белешка 1: Zinc metal content, chemical purity, particle shape, particle size distribution, average and maximum diameter of zinc powder pigments used in coatings may vary. All of these changes may affect the behavior of zinc powder in coatings coating parameters such as dispersity, grinding fineness, reactivity, electrical conductivity and filling properties.

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