ไอเอสโอ 11341:2004 บทนำโดยย่อเกี่ยวกับการทดสอบอายุการรับแสงสำหรับหลอดไฟซีนอนอาร์กที่มีฟิล์มสี

ไอเอสโอ 11341:2004 provides a method for determining the resistance of coatings and painted surfaces to artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation using filtered xenon arc radiation sources. This standard applies to coated and painted surfaces intended for external exposure.

This standard sets out general principles for testing procedures, including selection of test samples, preparation of test samples, exposure conditions and evaluation of test results. Exposure conditions include irradiance, อุณหภูมิ, ความชื้นสัมพัทธ์, and spectral power distribution of xenon arc sources.

Exposure tests involve exposing the test sample to a cycle of radiation and moisture in a controlled laboratory environment. The standard provides two different exposure procedures: Procedure A covers exposure to radiation and moisture, and Procedure B covers exposure to radiation, moisture and temperature.

ไอเอสโอ 11341:2004 บทนำโดยย่อเกี่ยวกับการทดสอบอายุการรับแสงสำหรับหลอดไฟซีนอนอาร์กที่มีฟิล์มสี

ไอเอสโอ 11341:2004 is widely used in various industries, including the automotive, building and construction, and aerospace industries, to assess the durability and weather resistance of coated and painted surfaces. By subjecting test samples to simulated weathering conditions, the standard helps to assess the long-term performance of coatings and painted surfaces and provides valuable information for product development and quality control.
