ASTM D4287-2000 Koni Plakalı Visvisometre ile Yüksek Kesme Viskozitesinin Tayini

Test yöntemi, boyaların viskozitesinin belirlenmesini kapsar., varmishes and related products at a shear rate of 12 000 S -1.

Paints and varnishes that dry quickly with this test method may not obtain reproducible results. Measurements made at high temperatures may also reduce accuracy due to loss and drying of volatiles.

SI birimlerinde ifade edilen değerler standart değerler olarak kabul edilmelidir. This standard does not include other units of measurement.

This standard is not intended to address all safety issues related to use. Uygun güvenliğin sağlanması bu standardın kullanıcısının sorumluluğundadır., sağlık ve çevre uygulamaları ve kullanımdan önce düzenleyici kısıtlamaların uygulanabilirliğini belirlemek.

The international standard is based on the internationally recognized standardization principles established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, DTÖ Ticaretin Önündeki Teknik Engellere İlişkin Komite tarafından yayınlanan Kılavuzlar ve Tavsiyeler (TBT).

ASTM D4287-2000 Koni Plakalı Visvisometre ile Yüksek Kesme Viskozitesinin Tayini

Record of documents
ASTM D4287

November 10, 2000

Standard test method for high shear viscosity using cone/plate viscometers

Test yöntemi, boyaların viskozitesinin belirlenmesini kapsar., varmishes and related products at a shear rate of 12 000 s-1. Quickly drying paint and varnish may not produce


November 10, 2000

Standard test method for high shear viscosity using cone/plate viscometers

Test yöntemi, boyaların viskozitesinin belirlenmesini kapsar., varmishes and related products at a shear rate of 12 000 s-1. Quickly drying paint and varnish may not produce

ASTM D4287

November 10, 2000

Standard test method for high shear viscosity using cone/plate viscometers

1. Kapsam 1.1 This test method covers the determination of the viscosity of paints, varices and related products at a shear rate of 12 000 s-1. 1.2 Quickly drying paints and varnishes may

ASTM D4287

November 10, 2000

Standard test method for high shear viscosity using cone/plate viscometers

Test yöntemi, boyaların viskozitesinin belirlenmesini kapsar., varnishes and related products at a shear rate of 12 000 S (-1). Quickly drying paint and varnish may not produce

ASTM D4287-2000 Koni Plakalı Visvisometre ile Yüksek Kesme Viskozitesinin Tayini

ASTM D4287

November 10, 2000

Standard test method for high shear viscosity using cone/plate viscometers

Test yöntemi, boyaların viskozitesinin belirlenmesini kapsar., varmishes and related products at a shear rate of 12 000 s-1. Quickly drying paint and varnish may not produce

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