ISO 1419-2019 гумовий – або тканини з пластиковим покриттям – Тести на прискорене старіння

ISO 1419:2019 це стандарт, який регулює прискорені тести на старіння гуми – або тканини з пластиковим покриттям. The purpose of this standard is to provide a standardized method for testing the resistance of rubber or plastic coated fabrics to accelerated aging caused by high temperature and humidity.

The standard specifies two methods for conducting accelerated burn-in tests: Спосіб А, which involves exposure to high temperature and humidity in a controlled environment, and Method B, which involves exposure to an automatic sterilizer in high-pressure steam. Both methods are designed to simulate the effects of environmental conditions on long-term exposure to rubber or plastic coated fabrics.

This standard specifies test conditions, включаючи температуру, humidity and exposure time requirements. It also provides guidance on the preparation of test samples and evaluation of test results.

ISO 1419:2019 applies to manufacturers and users of rubber or plastic coated fabrics to assess the durability and performance of their products. By conducting accelerated aging tests according to this standard, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet the requirements of intended applications and users can trust the durability and longevity of the products they purchase.

ISO 1419-2019 гумовий – або тканини з пластиковим покриттям – Тести на прискорене старіння

Aging of coated fabrics involves subjecting specimens with previously determined properties to controlled deterioration over a known period of time. Choosing the most appropriate test method, aging time and temperature will depend on the purpose of the test and the type of coated fabric. The properties used to measure deterioration of the coated fabric may be strength properties, згинання, resistance, or any other desired physical or chemical properties. Its characteristics can be studied by selecting appropriate test methods.

Caution Persons using this document should be familiar with normal laboratory practice. This document is not intended to address all security concerns, якщо хто-небудь, пов'язані з його використанням. It is the user’s responsibility to establish appropriate safety and health practices and ensure compliance with any national regulatory conditions.

1 діапазон
This document describes four methods for assessing the resistance of coated fabrics to accelerated aging degradation.

2 Нормативні посилання
Усі або частина наведених нижче документів є нормативними посиланнями в цьому документі та недоступні для використання. Для датованих посилань, застосовуються версії лише для цитування. Для недатованих посилань, остання версія довідника (включаючи будь-які зміни) застосовується.

ISO 188, вулканізована або термопластична гума — accelerated ageing and heat resistance test

ISO 2231, гумовий – або тканини з пластиковим покриттям — Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing

ISO 2286-1, гумовий – або тканини з пластиковим покриттям – Determination of roll characteristics – частина 1: Method of determination of length, width and net mass

ISO 2286-2, гумовий – або тканини з пластиковим покриттям – Determination of roll characteristics – частина 2: Method of determination of total mass per unit area, mass per unit of coating and mass of substrate per unit area

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