ISO 17228-2015 “Зміна кольору при прискореному старінні випробувань на стійкість кольору шкіри”

ISO 17228:2015 це міжнародний стандарт для перевірки стійкості кольору шкіри. This standard specifies a test method for testing the color stability of leather by simulating accelerated aging.

The standard mainly tests the color fastness of leather products to assess whether they will change color during long-term use. The standard covers all kinds of leather products, including shoes, handbags, furniture and more.

The test method involves exposing the sample to a controlled accelerated aging environment, such as high temperature, high humidity, ultraviolet radiation, тощо, to simulate the environmental conditions encountered during prolonged use. The test cycle is set according to the different use environment.

Після тесту, the color change of the sample will be evaluated. The standard specifies the method of evaluation using a colorimeter or the human eye. The degree of color change will be determined by the evaluation of the color meter or the human eye.

The standard provides a standardized test method for assessing the color stability of leather products. For manufacturers, sellers and consumers, this testing method is very useful because it can assess whether the color of the product will change over the course of a long time, and thus help them make better decisions.

ISO 17228-2015 “Зміна кольору при прискореному старінні випробувань на стійкість кольору шкіри”

1 Діапазон
The international standard specifies various aging procedures to indicate the changes that may occur when leather is exposed to a certain environment for an extended period of time. Over time, the surface color of the leather and the leather itself can change due to aging and the effect of the surrounding environment on the leather. The test conditions used depend on the type of leather and its intended use.

The procedure can also be used to test specimens for dimensional changes according to ISO 17130.

2 Нормативні посилання
All or part of the following documents are referred to normatively in this document, and their application is difficult or lacking. Для датованих посилань, застосовується лише цитована версія. Для недатованих посилань, нова версія довідника (включаючи будь-які зміни) застосовується.

ISO 105-A01, текстиль – Testing for colour fastness – Частина A01: General principles for testing

ISO 105-A02, текстиль – Color fastness testingPart A02: Grayscale for evaluating color changes

ISO 105-A03, текстиль – Color fastness testingPart A03: For the assessment of the grayscale of dyeing

ISO 105-A04, текстиль – Testing for colour fastnessPart A04: Instrumental method for evaluating the degree of dyeing of adjacent fabrics

ISO 17228-2015 “Зміна кольору при прискореному старінні випробувань на стійкість кольору шкіри”

ISO 105-A05, текстиль – Testing for colour fastness – Частина A05: Instrumental evaluation of colour changes for determining grayscale levels

ISO 2418, шкіра – Chemical, physical and mechanical, and fastness testsSampling position

ISO 2419, шкіра – Physical and mechanical testingSample preparation and pretreatment

ISO 17130 Шкіра – Physical and mechanical testingDetermination of dimensional changes

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