ISO 8504-4-222 “Preparation of steel substrates before the use of paints and related products – Методи обробки поверхні – частина 4: Pickling


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This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Фарби та лаки, Підкомітет SC 12, Preparing steel substrates prior to application of paints and related products.

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ISO 8504-4-222 “Preparation of steel substrates before the use of paints and related products – Методи обробки поверхні – частина 4: Pickling

The properties of protective coatings applied to steel and related products are significantly affected by the state of the steel surface before coating. The main factors known to affect this performance include:

The presence of rust and dirt;

The presence of surface contaminants, including salt, пил, масло і жир;

Surface outline.

ISO 8501, ISO 8502 та ISO 8503 series provide methods for assessing these factors. Проте, ISO 8504 Серія містить вказівки щодо методів підготовки, які можна використовувати для очищення сталевих підкладок, indicating the ability of each method to achieve specified levels of cleanliness.

This document describes pickling, an effective surface treatment method. It is widely used because this surface treatment method has many of the versatile functions listed below.

a) В загальному, equipment is fixed, but can be moved.

b) This method is suitable for most types and forms of steel surfaces, especially those deformed by sandblasting.

в) Removal of rust or mill scale and traces of non-steel metal from inside, outside and complex structural surfaces.

d) Pickling can be used for decorative and/or aesthetic purposes.

The Purchaser’s purchasing document shall include several items to supplement this document. Surface defects should be considered prior to surface treatment and coating application. ISO 8504 series does not contain recommendations for surface cleaning of equipment and cleaning of pipelines (напр. chemical pipelines, petroleum pipelines).

ISO 8504 series does not contain recommendations for the application of protective coating systems to steel surfaces. ISO 8504 series does not contain recommendations for surface quality requirements for specific cases, even if surface quality has a direct impact on the choice of protective coatings and their properties. Ці рекомендації містяться в інших документах, таких як національні стандарти та кодекси практики. ISO 8504 series is used to ensure that the specified quality is:

a) Compatible with and applicable to the environmental conditions to which the steel will be exposed and the protective coating systems to be used;

b) within the scope of prescribed cleaning procedures.

Warnings The procedures described in this document are intended to be performed by appropriately trained and/or supervised personnel. The substances and procedures used in these methods can be hazardous to health if appropriate precautions are not taken. The text draws attention to some specific dangers. This document relates only to the technical applicability of the method and does not exempt the user from statutory obligations relating to health and safety.

ISO 8504-4-222 “Preparation of steel substrates before the use of paints and related products – Методи обробки поверхні – частина 4: Pickling

1 діапазон
This document describes typical methods commonly used in shop facilities for pickling to prepare steel substrates prior to application of paints and related products. It is usually suitable for new steel structures.

This method is basically to remove rust and dirt. Зазвичай, only slight oil residue can be removed during this process. It can be used on steel surfaces that are easily deformed by sandblasting.

2 Нормативні посилання

У тексті є посилання на наступні файли таким чином, що частина або весь вміст відповідає вимогам цього документа. Для датованих посилань, застосовуються версії лише для цитування. Для недатованих посилань, остання версія довідника (включаючи будь-які зміни) застосовується.

ISO 8502 (всі частини), Preparation of steel substrateSurface cleanliness Assessment tests prior to coating of paints and related products

3 Терміни та визначення
Для цілей цього документа, застосовуються наступні терміни та визначення.

3.1 Pickling

Treatment for removal of rust and scaling from steel substrates by acidic solutions usually containing inhibitors (3.3)

3.2 Acid lotion

A liquid mixture of etching components (organic, inorganic, and/or complexing agents), inhibitors (3.3), and usually surfactants (3.4)

3.3 Inhibitors

A chemical or mixture of substances that, when added to a medium solution in a given concentration and form, reduces the rate of pickling of metals while maintaining most of the rate of pickling of metal oxides such as rust and dirt

3.4 Surfactant

A substance that can significantly alter the interfacial state of a solution system (reducing surface energy) and increase degreasing capacity

3.5 Fresh Water

Water with an electrical conductivity of less than or equal to 1 200 μS/cm (at 25°C), or water of a purity and quality sufficient to prevent the surface to be cleaned from meeting the standards for surface cleanliness or invisible contaminants specified in the procurement documents (Project Specifications)

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