美国材料试验协会D 1186-2001 “非铁基材上非磁性涂层干膜厚度的无损测量”

1.1 These test methods include non-destructive measurement of dry film thickness of non-magnetic coatings applied to ferrous metal substrates using commercially available test instruments. The test method covers only the use of instruments based on magnetic measurement principles. Test method A provides the measurement of the film using a magnetic pull meter and test method B provides the measurement of the film using a fluxmeter.

1.2 These test methods are not applicable to coatings that are prone to deform under the load of the measuring instrument, as the instrument probe needs to be placed directly on the surface of the coating to take a reading.

1.3 Values given in SI units of measurement shall be regarded as standards. 括号内的值仅供参考.

1.4 本标准并非旨在解决所有安全问题, 如果有的话, 与其使用相关. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全和健康实践,并在使用前确定监管限制的适用性.
