ASTM G153-2021 用于非金属材料暴露的密封碳弧仪器操作的标准实践

ASTM G153-2021 Release information
Standard number ASTM G153-2021

Standard implementation specification for the operation of sealed carbon arc instruments for exposure of non-metallic materials

English name Standard Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials

发布日期 2021


废除日期 无

China Standard Classification number G04; Q04

Isc 19.040 (环境测试)


ASTM G153-2021 Scope of application
1.1 “This practice covers the basic principles and operating procedures for using enclosed carbon-arc light and water apparatus intended to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when materials are exposed to sunlight (either direct or through window glass) and moisture as rain or dew in actual use. This practice is limited to the procedures for obtaining, 测量, and controlling conditions of exposure. A number of exposure procedures are listed in an appendix; 然而, this practice does not specify the exposure conditions best suited for the material to be tested.

ASTM G153-2021 用于非金属材料暴露的密封碳弧仪器操作的标准实践

笔记 1:”Practice G151 describes performance criteria for all exposure devices that use laboratory light sources. This practice replaces Practice G23, which describes very specific designs for devices used for carbon-arc exposures. The apparatus described in Practice G23 is covered by this practice.

1.2 “” Test specimens are exposed to enclosed carbon arc light under controlled environmental conditions.

1.3 “” Specimen preparation and evaluation of the results are covered in various methods or specifications for specific materials. 实践 G151 和 ISO 中给出了一般指导 4892-1. More specific information about methods for determining the change in properties after exposure and reporting these results is described in ISO 4582.

1.4 “” The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.

1.5 “” 该标准并不旨在解决所有安全问题, 如果有的话, 与其使用相关. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全机制, 健康, 和环境实践,并在使用前确定监管限制的适用性.

1.5.1 “” Should any ozone be generated from the operation of the light source, it shall be carried away from the test specimens and operating personnel by an exhaust system.

1.6 “” 本国际标准是根据《关于制定国际标准的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的, 世界贸易组织发布的技术性贸易壁垒指南和建议 (技术性贸易壁垒) 委员会.

1.1 “This code covers the fundamentals and operating procedures for the use of enclosed carbon arc lamps and water equipment designed to reproduce the weathering effects of materials when exposed to sunlight (direct or through window glass) and moisture such as rain or dew in actual use. This protocol is limited to procedures for obtaining, 测量, 和控制曝光条件. A number of contact procedures are listed in the appendix; 然而, this procedure does not specify appropriate exposure conditions for the material to be tested.

ASTM G153-2021 用于非金属材料暴露的密封碳弧仪器操作的标准实践

笔记 1: Specification G151 describes performance standards for all exposure devices using laboratory light sources. This specification replaces specification G23, which describes a very specific design of a device for carbon arc exposure. Devices described in regulation G23 are included in this regulation.

1.2 “The sample is exposed to a closed carbon arc under controlled environmental conditions.

1.3 “Sample Preparation and Result Evaluationis included in various methods or specifications for specific materials. For general guidance see Practice G151 and ISO 4892-1. More specific information is described in ISO 4582 on methods for determining post-exposure property changes and reporting these results.

1.4 “Values expressed in the International System of Units shall be considered standard values.

1.5 “本标准并非旨在解决所有安全问题 (如果有的话) 与其使用相关. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全, 使用前的健康和环境实践以及确定监管限制的适用性.

ASTM G153-2021 用于非金属材料暴露的密封碳弧仪器操作的标准实践

1.5.1 “If the operation of the light source produces any ozone, it shall be removed from the sample and the operator through the exhaust system.

1.6 “本国际标准基于《关于制定国际标准的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则, 世贸组织贸易技术壁垒委员会发布的指南和建议 (技术性贸易壁垒).

一个提醒: Newer versions of this ASTM G153-2021 may exist. It is recommended to seek confirmation from the publisher of ASTM G153-2021.
