
5.1 基于三刺激值 X 的原始 CIE 色标, 是, Z 和色度坐标 x 和 y 视觉上不均匀. 基于 CIE 值的每个后续色标应用加权因子来提供一定程度的均匀性,以便颜色空间每个区域的色差将更具可比性. 另一方面, 在不同色标系统中评估的相同样品不太可能达到相同的色差. 为避免混淆, 仅当获得相同色标系统的样品之间的色差或相关容差时才应进行比较. 对于样品的所有颜色, 没有单一因素可用于将一个系统中的色差或色容差准确地转换为另一系统中的色差或容差单位.

5.2 色差 E00 以 δ 为单位,强烈建议使用该范围内的单位 0.0 至 5.0δ. (6) E* 血型单位. 色差方程适用并广泛应用于工业和商业应用, 包括但不限于汽车, 油漆, 化妆品, 油墨, 包装, 油漆, 塑料, 印刷, 安全和纺织品.

5.3 颜色容差方程的用户发现, 在每个系统中, 将三个矢量色差分量添加到单个标量值对于确定样本颜色是否落在标准中指定的容差范围内非常有用. 然而, 为了控制生产中的颜色, 可能不仅需要知道与标准的偏差程度, 还有这个偏差的方向. 通过列出三种色差仪器确定的分量,可以包含有关小色差方向的信息.

5.4 基于仪器值的颜色容差选择应与色调可接受性的视觉评估密切相关, 使用实践 D1729 获得的亮度和饱和度差异. 这里提出的三个公差方程已经针对纺织品和塑料的此类数据进行了广泛的测试, 并已被证明与视觉评估一致, 在视觉判断的实验不确定性范围内. 这意味着方程本身错误分类的色差频率不大于经验丰富的视觉配色器的频率.

5.5 Although the color difference equation and the color tolerance equation are commonly applied to a variety of light sources, they have been derived or optimized, 或两者, for use in daylight lighting. Good correlation with visual judgments may not be obtained when calculations are made using other light sources. The use of tolerance equations under conditions other than daylight conditions requires visual confirmation of heterochromatic levels according to practice D4086.


1.1 This practice includes the calculation of colour tolerances and small colour differences between opaque samples such as painted panels, plastic patches or textile samples, based on colour coordinates measured by instruments based on daylight illumination. If it is suspected that the specimen may be metamorphic, 那是, have different spectral curves despite visually similar colours, Practice D4086 should be used to verify instrumental results. The tolerances and differences determined by these programs are expressed in terms of DIN99o color difference formulas given in CIE 1976 CIELAB chromatic space (1), 2 CMC tolerance units (2), CIE94 tolerance units (3), 从 6176 (4) or approximately uniform visual color vision in CIEDE2000 chromatic difference units (5).

1.2 For product specifications, Buyer and Seller shall agree on the allowable color tolerance between sample and reference and the procedure for calculating the color tolerance. Each material and condition of use may require specific color tolerances, as other appearance factors (例如, sample proximity, glossiness, 和纹理) may affect the correlation between the size of the color difference measured and its commercial acceptability.

1.3 本标准并非旨在解决所有问题, 如果有的话, 与其使用相关的安全问题. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全机制, 健康和环境实践,并在使用前确定监管限制的适用性.

1.4 本国际标准以《关于制定国际标准的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则为基础, 世贸组织贸易技术壁垒委员会发布的指南和建议.
