国际标准化组织 15110-2017 “油漆和清漆的人工老化,包括酸沉积”

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国际标准化组织 15110-2017 “油漆和清漆的人工老化,包括酸沉积”

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, 油漆和清漆, 小组委员会SC 9, 油漆和清漆的常用测试方法.

第二版取消并取代第一版 (国际标准化组织 15110:2013), 已进行技术修订. The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

Scope is limited to paints and varnishes;

A black panel thermometer was added to the fluorescent UV lamp, as it provides the same results as the BST UV-F device;

Uncontrolled humidity exposure has been listed as a new UADF test because it has been shown that humidity control does not affect the precise type of damage caused by this test.

国际标准化组织 15110-2017 “油漆和清漆的人工老化,包括酸沉积”

This document specifies a method for modeling the destructive effects of outdoor weathering associated with acidic atmospheric precipitation on painted products. The mechanism is different from that of harmful gases, which are basically the initial products of acid precipitation.

Acidic precipitation occurs occasionally due to changes in industrial air pollution, coupled with the spread of random wind and cloud distribution. 所以, especially in the case of acidic precipitation, outdoor weathering effects vary greatly from year to year. 因此, it is almost impossible to get reliable outdoor exposure results from just one season. These fluctuations can be avoided by using laboratory tests in which all weathering parameters, including acid deposition, can be controlled.

This method is based on VDI guideline VDI 3958-12[9].

1 范围
This document specifies the so-called acid Dew and Fog test (ADF test) as an accelerated laboratory test method to simulate the damaging effects of acidic atmospheric precipitation associated with ultraviolet radiation, neutral condensing precipitation, and temperature and humidity changes by using artificial acidic precipitation. This test method is designed to evaluate the suitability of paint materials for use in acidic precipitation outdoor environments based on relative performance rankings. It is not intended to produce the same degree of damage or the same pattern of damage as outdoor weathering, but rather to give a ranking similar to outdoor weathering. The method produces more uniform damage, allows fewer specimens to be exposed (so testing is faster), and enables exposure specimens to be evaluated using a more objective method than visual assessment.

国际标准化组织 15110-2017 “油漆和清漆的人工老化,包括酸沉积”

2 规范性引用文件
以下文件以文本方式引用,构成本文件的部分或全部要求. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 16474-1, 油漆和清漆 – 暴露于实验室光源的方法 – 部分 1: 一般指导

国际标准化组织 16474-2:2013, 油漆和清漆. 暴露于实验室光源的方法. 部分 2: 氙弧灯

国际标准化组织 16474-3:2013, 油漆和清漆. 暴露于实验室光源的方法. 部分 3: 荧光紫外灯

3 术语和定义

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