ASTM D2364-2015 羟乙基纤维素标准测试方法


5.1 该测试的结果用于计算样品的总固体含量; And, by general use, all materials volatilized at this test temperature are designated as moisture.

5.2 水分分析 (along with sulphate ash) is a measure of the active polymer content in a material that needs to be considered when determining the amount of hydroxyethyl cellulose to be used in various formulations.

ASTM D2364-2015 羟乙基纤维素标准测试方法

步 1: 范围

1.1 These test methods include tests for hydroxyethyl cellulose.

1.2 Test procedures are displayed in the following order:

1.3 以 SI 单位表示的值应被视为标准值. 括号内的数值仅供参考.

1.4 本标准并非旨在解决所有安全问题, 如果有的话, 与其使用相关. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全和健康实践,并在使用前确定监管限制的适用性.
