
测试建筑涂料的可施工性是评价其可施工性, 流动性, drying time and other indicators of coatings in the construction process, so as to determine its scope of application and construction quality. If the construction performance of the coating is poor, it is easy to appear in the construction process of uneven coating, 起泡, flowing and other problems, which affect the beauty of the coating surface and protection performance. 所以, testing the constructability of building coating is to ensure that the coating has good construction performance and construction quality, to ensure the construction quality and service life of the building.


The constructability of architectural coatings is the comprehensive performance of evaluating its constructability, 流动性, drying time and other indexes in the construction process. The following are the testing methods and steps for construction paint:

样品制备: Apply the coating evenly on the sample plate to ensure uniform coating thickness, and cut the sample into appropriate size after drying.

Construction test: Use common construction methods, such as brush coating, 喷涂, rolling coating, ETC。, to carry out construction test, record the construction process of easy construction, mobility, coating uniformity and other parameters.

Drying time test: Observe the drying condition of the sample within the specified time, and record the drying time.

Observation and detection: 取出样品, observe whether the coating surface uneven coating, 起泡, flowing and other problems.

数据处理: By observing the data obtained from the inspection, the construction performance of the coating is assessed, and the rating of the coating is determined, usually according to relevant criteria, to determine whether the coating meets the application requirements.


我们提醒您: different types of paint in the construction process of different performance, therefore, in the actual test, should be based on different paint types and application scenarios, different detection methods and standards, in order to evaluate the paint in the construction process of easy construction, mobility and drying time and other properties.

简而言之, the detection of construction coating is an indispensable work in construction engineering. Through reasonable detection methods and steps, can evaluate the paint in the construction process of easy construction, fluidity and drying time and other properties, choose the appropriate type and brand of paint, so as to ensure the construction quality and service life of the building.
